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Assassination fears surround Barack ObamaArticle from:

Assassination fears dog Obama
Delivers speech behind bulletproof glass
Ku Klux Klan predicts a backlash

HE has already been the target of two assassination plots and delivered a victory speech from behind bulletproof glass.

Although US President-elect Barack Obama will not take office until January, he will be guarded as he prepares to move into the White House.

In May 2007, fears for his life lead to him being the most heavily-guarded US presidential candidate ever, when he was placed under Secret Service guard.

The potential threats against him are numerous and are likely to come from hate groups, or any number of organisations in and outside the US.

Accordingly, Senator Obama's closest relatives will also be affected. Family outings will be cut out and his daughters will receive protection on their way to and from school.

Already, there is speculation that Senator Obama might not live to see out his term - just hours after his victory, the term "Obama assassination" appeared on the top 100 Google search terms.

In a video shot before the outcome of the election was known, the national director of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Thomas Robb, predicted "there may be a backlash" if Senator Obama won the presidential race.

In a lengthy rant on the Klan's official website, the white supremacist said: "We are in a race war.

He went on to describe yesterday's poll as "the last real election this country is going to have" before describing Senator Obama as a Marxist whose intention was to redistribute the earnings of hard-working whites.

Four US presidents have been assassinated - Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley and John F. Kennedy - while eight have survived attempts.

Meanwhile, two young white supremacists accused of plotting to kill Senator Obama and dozens of other black people have been indicted by a federal grand jury in Memphis, Tennessee, the Associated Press reported.

Daniel Cowart, 20, and 18-year-old Paul Schlesselman were arrested last month.

They were indicted overnight on charges of possessing a sawn-off shotgun, planning to rob a licensed gun dealer and threatening a presidential candidate.

Authorities say they plotted a killing spree that would end with them attacking Senator Obama while dressed in white tuxedoes and top hats.

http://www. news. com. au/heraldsun/story/0,21985,24608199-5012748,...

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