Army Steps Up Bio Terror Training - Pandemic Alert part 1
No I am NOT paranoid... if Americans do not get prepared and research into homemade vaccines and anti virals such as colloidal silver, they will all get rounded up and quarrantined at FEMA camps, awaiting their tainted flu vaccines - That time is coming, and all eyes should be on the total collapse of US economy and dollar sometime in 2009. And anyone who is not stocked up with massive amounts of vitamin C for the H5N1 flu pandemic release is a dead person already.
December 03, 2008 - Homeland Security picks K-State for biodefense lab
***************************************************** Army labs get security training after anthrax case *****************************************************
By DAVID DISHNEAU The Associated Press Tuesday, December 2, 2008; 4:22 PM
HAGERSTOWN, Md. -- The Army announced additional security training Tuesday for workers handling some of the world's deadliest germs and toxins, part of its response to an FBI finding that an Army scientist was responsible for deadly 2001 anthrax attacks
The Army also said Tuesday that a lab closed for security shortcomings in April won't reopen
The new training to reinforce existing policies was recommended as a first step by a task force reviewing lab security practices after the FBI concluded that Army scientist Bruce Ivins was behind the attacks, said Michael Brady, special assistant to Army Secretary Pete Geren
The first weeklong refresher course began Monday at the Army's flagship biodefense lab at Fort Detrick in Frederick, where Ivins allegedly obtained and refined the anthrax used in the deadly mailings that killed five people and sickened 17 others
Seven years after the 2001 anthrax attacks, a congressionally ordered study finds a growing threat of biological terrorism and calls for aggressive defenses on par with those used to prevent a terrorist nuclear detonation
Due for release next week, a draft of the study warns that future bioterrorists may use new technology to make synthetic versions of killers such as Ebola, or genetically modified germs designed to resist ordinary vaccines and antibiotics
The bipartisan report faults the Bush administration for devoting insufficient resources to prevent an attack and says U.S. policies have at times impeded international biodefense efforts while promoting the rapid growth of a network of domestic laboratories possessing the world's most dangerous pathogens
The number of such "high-containment" labs in the United States has tripled since 2001, yet U.S. officials have not implemented adequate safeguards to prevent deadly germs from being stolen or accidentally released, it says. "The rapid growth in the number of such labs in recent years has created new safety and security risks which must be managed," the draft report states
The First Post By Brendan O'Neill FIRST POSTED NOVEMBER 14, 2008
In the middle of all the hoo-hah over Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand's childish phone calls on a late-night radio show, you may have missed a far more scandalous utterance that was made on BBC radio
On 5 November, the upmarket Nightwaves on BBC Radio 3 aired a discussion about overpopulation between Dr Susan Blackmore (a neuroscientist) and Professor John Gray (of the London School of Economics)
Dr Blackmore said the "fundamental problem" facing the planet today is that "there are too many people". Professor Gray agreed. Then Dr Blackmore declared: "For the planet's sake, I hope we have bird flu or some other thing that will reduce the population, because otherwise we're doomed"
So, it's official: at the Beeb it is unacceptable to make crude jokes about having sex with someone's granddaughter, but it is perfectly OK to wish death upon large swathes of mankind
Make a rude call to Andrew Sachs' answerphone and you will be accused of dragging the BBC's good name through the dirt. Spout misanthropic nonsense about the need for a speedily contagious disease to come and wipe out mankind and nobody will bat an eyelid
At the Beeb it is perfectly OK to wish death upon large swathes of mankind
The disparity between the public reaction to Brandgate (wild) and the public reaction to what I think we should call 'Birdflugate' (non-existent) reveals a great deal about the warped morality of the cultural elite
The reason why Dr Blackmore's remark received no coverage or complaints is because the herbal tea-drinking literati that listens to Radio 3 discussion programmes will secretly share her prejudices about overpopulation
‘I Am Legend’ – A Hollywood propaganda foreshadowing events to come
************************** State prepares for pandemic flu **************************
WAVY NBC News Last Edited: Thursday, 20 Nov 2008, 9:33 PM EST
Stephanie Harris NORFOLK,Va - Imagine the chaos if a pandemic flu, one that threatened the lives of every human being, hit Virginia
It's the state health department's job to be prepared, so this week they're practicing
"Every time we practice it, it's to make sure that we can do it efficiently during real world situations," said Hampton Health Department Assistant Planner, Jennifer Lupin
In Hampton, inmates sat down for immunizations allowing staff to practice mass vaccinations
Things seem to run smoothly while we were there, but Lupin told WAVY. com they did learn lessons
"Some of it we can't talk about, it's for public safety," she said
Emergency workers and hospitals also helped in the drill by reporting the number of sick and dead
To keep things real in the Norfolk communications hub several staff members were pulled out as if they'd become ill. So, the staff was shrinking while the to do list expanded on the overhead projector with morbid tasks like what to do with the dead when the morgues got full
"We'll solve that problem with refrigerated trucks," John Monroe of the Norfolk Health Department told us
Things most of us don't want to think about, they have to, and they say we will all be better off for it
********************************************************************* COLLOIDAL SILVER SUPER SILVER may be ONLY effective treatment when a mass pandemic terror is unleashed by Homeland terrorists
/********************************************************************************** Colloidal Silver Company Battles FDA Censorship and Oppression; Fights for Health Freedom **********************************************************************************
Natural News by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, November 24, 2008 Key concepts: Colloidal silver, FDA and Health freedom
NaturalNews has just posted a must-read 3-part series of interviews with Utopia Silver Supplements, a colloidal silver company that's been battling the FDA over health freedom issues for 5 years
In this interview, you'll learn about how the FDA used outrageous tactics of oppression and tyranny in an effort to shut down the Utopia Silver Supplements company. You'll also read about what the company's founder, Ben Taylor, has done to defend his health freedom rights, even against seemingly impossible oppression and censorship
If you care about health freedom, this is a must-read story:
Pass this along to others who want to know the truth about what the FDA is doing to crush health freedom and destroy nutritional supplements that compete with pharmaceuticals
Colloidal silver, you may know, makes many antibiotics utterly obsolete, and it slashes MRSA infections in hospitals to nearly zero So why don't health authorities allow colloidal silver to succeed in the marketplace? Because it takes too much money away from Big Pharma, of course!
*********************************************************************************** Colloidal Silver Company's Fight for Health Freedom: An Interview With Ben Taylor (Part I) ***********************************************************************************
Natural News Friday, November 21, 2008 by: Kira Adler, Health Industry Editor
(NaturalNews) Utopia Silver Supplements is a colloidal silver company based out of Utopia, Texas. This natural supplement company has been battling the FDA for 5 years. In this exclusive interview, Ben Taylor, Utopia Silver Supplement Company owner, discusses his fight to defend the company and the principles of health freedom that this country was founded on. Part 1 introduces the company and reveals how Ben got involved. The health effects of silver is a mystery to many; in this article, Ben explains what colloidal silver is and how it can impact health and healing for the better
A Little Background of FDA Regulation In Regards to Natural Health Companies
As if wars and economic crises and natural disasters weren't enough, here's a challenge for some future president that few people even want to think about: Some day, perhaps soon, a president will have to decide whose lives are the most important to save, and whose lives are "nonessential"
This isn't going to be a doomsday story, because most people will survive the next influenza pandemic, which some public health experts believe is past due. It's not a question of "if," it's a question of "when," and one study from Harvard University estimates that the pandemic will kill somewhere between 51 million and 81 million people, mostly in developing countries
Hundreds of organizations and institutions around the world are developing plans for dealing with the expected pandemic, and one challenging theme is begging for more public discussion. Some people will be more important than others in fighting the disease as it spreads quickly around the planet, and many more will be left to pretty much fend for themselves
The top of the list is an easy one. Doctors and nurses will be vital, so they end up in the win column. Others essential to public health and safety will be next, but after that, the going gets tough. A provocative new study argues that the list needs to be broadened. Some truck drivers, for instance, may be just as important as doctors.
Wired Science checks out Plum Island Animal Disease Center, which for the past 50 years has been the front lines of defense against foreign animal diseases
Plum Island: "Even More Dangerous" - (part 1) VVH-TV News Special Report
October 31, 2008 - Israeli terrorist and head of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff explains future US nuclear biological threat
****************************************************************************** Bush Administration Considering Moving Dangerous Pathogen Island Laboratory Near Mainland Livestock ******************************************************************************
Natural News Sunday, November 09, 2008 by: David Gutierrez
The Bush administration is thinking about relocating a high-security pathogen research laboratory from its current remote island location to one of five sites on the U.S. mainland
The National Bio- and Agro-Defense Facility on Plum Island, N.Y., conducts research into foot-and-mouth disease, African swine fever, Japanese encephalitis, Rift Valley fever and the Hendra and Nipah viruses. All are diseases that affect primarily livestock, but most of them have been known to spread to humans in rare cases. Concerns have been raised that if the laboratory is moved from its current location, the risk in case of disease release due to accident or sabotage would be much greater
FREDERICK, Md. (Map, News) - The Department of Homeland Security's new laboratory building in Frederick resembles a battleship being readied for war against biological weapons
With its curved glass exterior, 10-inch-thick walls and high-security labs, the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center gives the government a state-of-the art tool for predicting biological attacks and identifying perpetrators of what the FBI calls "bio-crimes"
Agency officials dedicated the $128 million building Wednesday at Fort Detrick, where it is part of a biodefense campus that will also include new labs run by the Army and the National Institutes of Health
Agency officials say they hope to begin occupying the building in March
************************************************************** Emergency declarations smooth way for vaccine makers **************************************************************
By ALAN BAVLEY The Kansas City Star Oct 17, 2008
Sure, the economy is causing a crisis, but what about anthrax? How about smallpox?
In a little noticed move, federal officials this month have declared a series of public health emergencies relating to potential weapons of biological terror
On Oct. 1, Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt declared an anthrax public health emergency. On Oct. 10, he declared health emergencies for smallpox, radiation sickness from the detonation of a nuclear device and poisoning from botulinum toxins, the active ingredient of Botox
There’s no clear evidence that terrorists have managed to weaponize anthrax or stolen large caches of Botox from cosmetic surgeons in Beverly Hills
But by declaring these public health emergencies, HHS has granted manufacturers of anti-terrorism drugs and vaccines and others involved with the products protection from lawsuits if the drugs were to cause unfortunate side effects.
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