
Arise and Shine

Part 2 Army Steps Up Bio Terror Training - Pandemic Alert

Fact Sheet: National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center

Release Date: 02/24/05 00:00:00

General Overview
The Department of Homeland Security’s National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center (NBACC) will provide the nation with essential biocontainment laboratory space for biological threat characterization and bioforensic research.

Men in military uniforms work around a Boeing 757 airplane with “United States of America” printed on its fuselage, parked at the Adirondack Regional Airport in Lake Clear Friday.
(Enterprise photo — Lou Reuter)
October 18, 2008 - Top international military officials meet in Adi...

10. 01. 08 - Trudeau Institute and U. S. Navy receive order to cont...

So What Were Top Military Commanders From The US and Europe Doing
at the Trudeau Institute?

October 20, 2008

http://dotconnectoruk. blogspot. com/2008/10/so-what-were-top-milit...

So What Were Top Military Commanders From The US and Europe Doing at the Trudeau Institute?

Last Weekend the top military brass from the US and Europe met together in Saranac Lake NY.

http://www. adirondackdailyenterprise. com/page/content. detail/id/...

So? You may well ask

Interesting article I thought, but my ears really perked up when i was contacted by a member of the David Icke Forum, Lovelitious, who provided the following information

'Well, on the 1st October 2008 Bush signed into being the Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance, and Continuing Appropriations Act, 2009 (H.R. 2638), which includes $1.6 million in additional research funding to support a joint program between scientists at the Trudeau Institute and the U.S.
Navy to develop a pandemic influenza vaccine'

http://trudeauinstitute. org/dynamicPages/pressReleases. cfm?action...

The Trudeau is also located at Saranac Lake NY

The Director of the Trudeau Institute is Ralph Steinman

Ralph M. Steinman is Henry G.
Kunkel Professor at The Rockefeller University and a senior physician at The Rockefeller University Hospital, is a cell biologist whose research focuses on the immune system including the human immune system in the setting of several diseases.

On October 1st, the same day that Bush activated the 1st Brigade domestically, the Office of the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services released a disturbing "Declaration Under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act":

Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Secretary

Declaration under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act, October 1, 2008

AGENCY: Office of the Secretary (OS), Department of Health and Human Services

ACTION: Notice

SUMMARY: Declaration pursuant to section 319F-3 of the Public HealthService Act (42 U.S.C.
247d-6d) to provide targeted liabilityprotections for anthrax countermeasures based on a credible risk thatthe threat of exposure to Bacillus anthracis and the resulting disease constitutes a public health emergency

Read the full document here:
http://www. hhs. gov/disasters/emergency/manmadedisasters/bioterori...

The threat of a bioterrorist attack has been long in the minds of both the European and US leaders and has formed the basis for many a Joint exercise beetween the US and Europe

2002 Bioterrorism exercise in Oklahoma city

NOTE the names SAM NUNN and JAMES R WOOLSEY for future reference


It was just a drill, but play-acting of a germ warfare attack this summer showed how many ways the nation (the USA) is not ready

The enactment went as follows:Patients with a mysterious illness began appearing at Oklahoma City hospitals in early December of 2002, with fever, weakness, malaise, and an aggressive rash which in two or three days developed pus. Except for the other symptoms they could have been severe cases of acne.Soon the small number of initial patients grew to 20; others sprouted across the state as well as in Georgia and Pennsylvania.
Most living practicing physicians have never treated a clinical case of this mysterious disease, which fit no current pattern of development, defying differential diagnosis Days later the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made the diagnosis: smallpox. It is a disease not seen in the United States since 1949…and not in the world since 1980. It is an extinct malady.
Its only vestiges are two small cultures held in labs in the United States and Russia This is certainly an intentional, engineered outbreak of the disease…bioterrorism!
By the end of the month there were projected to be 30,000 cases. nationwide. In the weeks before the outbreak, tensions were rising between China and Taiwan. An outbreak of foot and mouth disease on Taiwan was devastating the swine industry; some blamed China.
Iraq had begun moving troops toward the Kuwaiti border, claiming its action to be routine exercises

So began Dark Winter, a bioterrorist exercise that played out over two days this summer at Andrews Air Force Base in Washington, DC

Sam Nunn, former Democratic senator from Georgia, played the president; David Gergen portrayed the national security adviser. R. James Woolsey replayed his one-time real-life post as CIA director.
Frank Keating, the governor of Oklahoma, played himself

The exercise was sponsored by several think tanks, including the Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies. It was designed to simulate what many experts say is highly likely: a biological weapon attack upon the United States.The exercise exposed numerous shortcomings in how government and the nation's health care system are equipped to deal with such a crisis.Hospitals don't have the beds or staff to care for the sick in the event of a "surge" of bio-terrorism victims.
There is not enough smallpox vaccine - or any other vaccine - to immunize the nation

Finally, the exercise exposes "fault lines" and "disconnects" among local, state and federal officials, leaving many of them to ask: Who's in charge?

Dark Winter pinpointed the serious lack of smallpox vaccine. There are 12 million doses of smallpox vaccine for 275 million Americans. Sam Nunn told lawmakers afterward that : "That's enough for one out of ever 23 Americans…. Who do we decide to vaccinate?"Certain moral issues were raised by it as well. In his role as president, Sam Nunn refused a request from the governor of Oklahoma for enough vaccine to inoculate everyone in the state. His function, he said, was to conserve the supply and lookafter the interests of the entire nation. Of course, as Governor Keating pointed out, "Vaccination cannot stop the spread if you don't have enough of it."Other concerns include police, firefighters and other local emergency personnel who lack the necessary training and equipment to handle a bioterrorist attack. Emergency management personnel don't have the tools to determine that there has actually been such an attack.
"We have a fragmented and under-funded public health system - at the local, state and federal level - that does not allow us to effectively detect and track disease outbreaks in real time" Keating said

This is not the first such simulation that has been practiced. Last year the Department of Justice and other federal agencies simulated chemical and biological attacks in Washington, DC, Denver and Portsmouth, NH. In Denver, bubonic plague was the chosen biological weapon.
The hospitals quickly became overwhelmed and antibiotics and ventilators were soon in short supply

There is increasing likelihood that the catastrophes portrayed in such exercises will become reality. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld has said the bioterrorist threat is "quite high," with nations such as Iraq, Iran, China and North Korea building the weapons. The US renounced such weapons in 1969 and started destroying stockpiles.There has been some progress against such possible attacks. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP) has contracted with a Maryland firm to produce 40 million doses of smallpox vaccine. A senior adviser on bioterrorism has been appointed to Tommy Thompson, Secretary of Health and Human Services.But Sam Nunn asserts that more has to be done - and quickly.
"In the evolution of warfare, arrows were countered by shields; swords with armor; guns with tanks; and now biological weapons must be countered with medicines, vaccines and surveillance systems"

http://archive. newsmax. com/archives/articles/2001/10/3/142304. shtml

This next link is to a table top exercise hosted by the Center for Biosecurity at the University of Pittsburgh in 2005 It is called Atlantic storm and features Madeleine Albright and Sir Nigel BroomfieldSir Nigel Broomfield KCMG is Chairman of the Leonard Cheshire Foundation.

http://www. lcdisability. org/?lid=2937

He was a director of the Ditchley foundation from 1999 to 2004 and is still a member of both the uk arm and also the American Ditchley foundation.

http://www. ditchley. co. uk/page/61/former-directors. htm

He was also a director of Smiths group PLC specialising in biological, chemical.
nuclear and explosive detection amongst other things

http://www. smiths-group. com/smiths_detection. aspx

So here are the details of the 2005 scenario Atlantic Storm

http://www. atlantic-storm. org/flash/flash. htm

Another notable person involved with Atlantic Storm is Colonel Randall Larsen member of the Council on Foreign Relations

http://www. tihls. org/bio. htm

Full list of participants is below

http://www. upmc-Biosecurity. org/website/events/2005_atlanticstorm...

Atlantic Storm was sponsored byThe Alfred P Sloan Foundation

Notable Board members areMichael S Teitelbaum links to Carnegie Foundation
Jesse H Ausubel of the Carnegie Commission and Council on Foreign Relations.
Kathleen E Christensen- Rockerfeller Fellow
Paula J Olsiewski- Bioterrorism and Biodefense expert
Doron Weber Director of the Rockerfeller University 1991-1995 and Council on Foreign relations member.

http://www. sloan. org/programs/pg_national. shtml

http://www. sloan. org/programs/pg_national. shtml#bioterror

The other sponsors are The Nuclear Threat Initiative

http://www. nti. org/

This organisation is like a who's who of the Council on Foreign relations, Trilateral commission, Club of Rome, Carnegie Foundation.

Most notablySam Nunn Co Chairman and Chairman of CSIS

www. wikipedia. org/wiki/Center_for_Strategic_and_International_Stu...)

http://www. csis. org/

This think tank , CSIS, has on its board Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Brent Scowcroft, Ex US Secretary of defense William Cohen

Charles Curtis member of the Council on Foreign Relations
HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan- President of the Club of Rome
Pierre Lellouche- Vice chair of the Atlantic Partnership (Details after) Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations
Jessica Tuchman Mathews- President of the Carnegie Endowment for Intenational Peace and past senior fellow of the Council on Foreign Relations
William J Perry- Hoover institute and past Sec of Defense
Nafis Sadiq- Special advisor to the UN sec.
generalShirley Williams-Council on Foreign relations

A right neoconservative bunch i am sure you will agree!!!!

Now to the Atlantic Partnership which i mentioned before linked to Sam Nunn and Pierre Lellouche

This has to be one of the Premier organisations in terms of NWO/Neoconservative involvement

http://www. atlanticpartnership. org/?page_id=9

So why are all these key players in the NWO and neoconservative movement sponsoring exercises in Biological terrorism?

In 2005 the USAF released a paper on Quarantine during a Bioterrorism attack

http://www. au. af. mil/au/awc/awcgate/cpc-pubs/miller. pdf

Quarantine Procedures

http://www. doh. state. fl. us/chdOkeechobee/BioterrorismEd/Bioterr...

In 2006 the WHO released a Bioterrorism paper focussing on smallpox

http://www. who. int/global_health_histories/seminars/paper02. pdf

Late in 2006 another exercise was carried out and named Black Ice (Bioterrorism International Coordination Excersise)

Jointly run by Henry A Crumpton

http://www. state. gov/outofdate/bios/c/50493. htm

http://www. washingtonpost. com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/09/11/A...

http://www. csis. org/component/option,com_csis_events/task,view/id...

The last link was to the CSIS again!!!

Here is the link to the Exercise

http://www. state. gov/s/ct/rls/rm/07/79413. htm

http://www. state. gov/documents/organization/79521. pdf

Black Ice was again funded by the Alfred P Sloan Foundation and the NTI

In Mid 2007 The National Center for Disaster Preparedness conducted a poll within the Framework of 'The American Preparedness Project' titled 'Where the US Public Stands in 2007 on Terrorism, Security and Disaster Preparedness'

Executive summary link below:

http://www. ncdp. mailman. columbia. edu/files/NCDP07. pdf

To me the most interesting bit is the Confidence in government part which may indicate how such a Bioterrorism attack may be roled out to the public'Confidence and Trust in GovernmentAmericans trust the CDC to give them accurate and reliable information (84%), and that doesn’t vary much by race, gender, region, or politics (nor has it varied much over the years). In contrast, only 63% of Americans polled trust FEMA to provide reliable and accurate information, less than a mayor (75%) or the sheriff or police commissioner (82%).The least trusted source of information is the president at 49%, with more Americans trusting a TV medical correspondent (71%) to give them reliable information.Confidence in President Bush has declined steadily, from 65% in 2003 to 49% in 2007. By comparison, confidence in the CDC ranged from 82 – 84% over the same time period.Most Americans would be persuaded to prepare for a public health emergency if instructed to do so by the CDC (86%) or their regular doctor (87%).
Other less influential sources include the sheriff or police commissioner (83%), the mayor (78%), FEMA (75%), and a TV medical correspondent (69%)'

In October 2007 Department of Homeland Security conducted TOPOFF 4

http://www. dhs. gov/xprepresp/training/gc_1179350946764. shtmhttp:...

Another similar exercise Interpol in Dec 2007--Exercise Black Death

http://www. interpol. int/public/ICPO/speeches/SGBioT20071203. asp

In January 2008 the Los Alamos magazine produced a paper named ' To Kill a Killer-Targetting Anthrax'

http://www. lanl. gov/news/index. php/fuseaction/1663. article/d/20...

The Los Alamos Laboratory has also developed a system called BASIS which has been rolled out accross the country

http://www. lanl. gov/quarterly/q_spring03/basis_text. shtml

So here we are just before the elections in the US, The bottom dropping out of the economies in both Europe and the US, McCain floundering in Obamas wake, and the government in need of another terrorist attack to postpone the elections and declare martial law and give the green light to an attack on Iran by the joint forces of Israel and the US

And there are the joint chiefs of staff from Europe and the US at a secret meeting at a biological research facility run by a Rockerfeller associate which produces vaccines for Asian flu amongst other things

World depopulation is also on the global elites mind and has been for years

Would they pull another 9/11?

They wouldnt dare do that , would they?

VMI to Test Its Pandemic Flu Plan

23, 2008 – The entire student body of Virginia Military Institute will have the chance to receive a flu vaccination next week as the Institute tests its ability to respond to a flu pandemic

The 1,400 members of the VMI Corps of Cadets will process through the inoculation stations on Oct. 28 and Oct. 29. The exercise is designed to test the VMI Pandemic Flu Plan administrative accountability and control system while working in conjunction with a real world medical process. After processing and signing in, the cadets can opt not to receive a vaccination.
The cadets will decide when during the two-day period they check in at the processing station to avoid interfering with their class schedules

HOMELAND SECURITY TERRORISTS want to move MOVE FOOT AND MOUTH Virus Research lab INLAND North Carolina June 20, 2008

Martial Law and the Avian Flu Pandemic - Global Research, October 4, 2005 - The threat of the avian flu pandemic is real. Until recently, national governments and the WHO have dismissed the seriousness of the crisis. The public has been misinformed. The issue has been barely mentioned by the media. Why all of a sudden is avian flu on the presidential agenda?

IBM’s Hollerith Machine - To help systematize the persecution and extermination of 'undesireables'

IBM Custom Punch Card for Nazi SS Race Office

Nazi prisoner tattoos coordinating with the IBM punch card

IBM works closely with the American Nazis in the CARLYLE GROUP

Carlyle Group Subsidiary Named "MATRICS" is Brimming with NSA and C...

Avian Flu and IBM ‘high tech solutions’

No Omen: IBM Launches Pandemic Assessment Service On 6/6/06 !!!


IBM Vaccines For Businesses - Pandemic Assessment

http://www-935. ibm. com/services/us/imc/html/pandemic. html#-1

Loss of property, data and reputation are the risks most often associated with man-made and natural disasters. Spikes in employee absenteeism and the resulting disruption of most, if not all, business operations are rarely anticipated. They should be.
All disasters impact people—but perhaps none carry the disruptive potential of a global pandemic

In the 20th century, three flu pandemics spread around the world.
Experts tell us the next one may be on the horizon: the avian flu

To date, the majority of infections have remained in the animal kingdom. However, there is increasing evidence that the virus is getting closer to "making the jump" to humans, in places like Cambodia, Vietnam and China. The World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S.
Department of Homeland Security are on alert

What if the avian flu virus mutates and becomes more readily transmitted to humans? Infection will spread quickly. People will likely be unable and unwilling to come to work, and commerce may be disrupted worldwide. The estimated cost of a pandemic is projected to be 0.8 percent to 12 percent of economic output worldwide—up to US$4.
4 trillion1


We The People Will Not Be Chipped-Resistance is NOT futile , we will NOT be assimilated

Will Bird Flu Scare You into Getting Chipped?

SpyChips. com (the link below disabled by MySpace)

http://www. spychips. com/blog/2005/12/will_bird_flu_scare_you_into...
December 21, 2005

Beware! Americans are being prepped for a big health crisis that could scare them into lining up for a VeriChip

In a new AP article out today, a "government advisor" is painting a bleak picture of America under seige by the bird flu.
He claims that people might be too sick or too scared to go to work, companies could go bankrupt, and citizens might not have basic necessities. Here's a snippet from that article, titled "Few companies prepared for a flu pandemic":

Public health specialists and the government are pressuring businesses to prepare for a worldwide outbreak of the bird flu or some other superstrain of influenza, a crisis that could bankrupt many companies if their workers are too sick or scared to show up and their supply chains disappear

The concern isn't just because of economics, but because many companies provide products and services that people literally can't live without, said Michael Osterholm of the University of Minnesota, who advises the government
"Automobiles, jewelry and electronics will not be big ticket items" during the next flu pandemic, Osterholm notes.
"We still have to feed people How do we assure we have heat, fuel oil, electricity?"
Of course VeriChip board member and spokesperson Tommy Thompson is very concerned about this scenario, too. So much so, that he and his new Deloitte & Touche health think tank commissioned a survey to prove how ill prepared companies are for this questionable disaster on the horizon. And it really will be disastrous if people do not stock up with vitamin C for the bird flu H5N1 virus.
According to the article, the survey will be unveiled behind closed doors to 25 companies and health officials this Friday.

Can't you see this drama leading to the suggestion that Americans get chipped as a way to keep us all safe in the impending crisis? I'm predicting the chip will be touted as a way to keep tabs on those who are sick so they can't infect you or your loved ones--and even protect you in your time of need should you become ill and be unable to speak in the event of an emergency

Something's up

According to some doctors and researchers, the bird flu is not the contagion health spokespeople would like you to think Check out these links for other viewspoints on the human risks of avian flu:

November 12, 2008 - Google is tracking the searches of its users in an effort to locate where flu season is most prevalent

November 12, 2008 - We're heading into the heart of cold and flu season, and Google has found a new way to track outbreaks
http://www. kmbc. com/news/17966778/detail. html

Google predicts spread of flu using huge search data

New site claims to be able to raise the alarm over flu outbreaks up to two weeks in advance of existing public services

Guardian UK
Ed Pilkington in New York
Alok Jha
Wednesday November 12 2008

Read Article HERE

The Bush Administration's Secret Biowarfare Agenda

Global Research
by Stephen Lendman
July 28, 2008

http://globalresearch. ca/index. php?context=va&aid=9685&id...

When it comes to observing US and international laws, treaties and norms, the Bush administration is a serial offender Since 2001

Read The Rest HERE

Why support the dangerous bio-lab ?

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