
Arise and Shine

Angel Thunder - Foreign Troops Now Training On US Soil

READ FROM MEDIA MONARCHY FIRST! 'Angel Thunder': major international drill on US soil on DECEMBER 1 - 12

A NWO message at UN headquarters NYC: Disarm USA and round Americans up

Camp Pendleton filled with foreign troops June 2008

December 04, 2008 - Twenty thousand additional US uniformed troops, set to be trained by 2011, are to help as a response to the threat of a possible mass terror attack or civil unrest following an economic collapse, But despite assurances from the Pentagon, many Americans are worried by the prospect of seeing the military guard in the streets

Major international drill based at D-M to focus on rescue skills, coordination

By Carol Ann Alaimo
Tucson Region
Arizona Daily Star
Tucson, Arizona | Published: 11-15-2008

http://www. azstarnet. com/metro/267361

To troops downed in combat, few sights are sweeter than the approach of military rescuers.
In a few weeks, Tucson will be at the center of efforts to speed up that lifesaving process

Personnel from around the globe will converge at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base from Dec. 1 to Dec.
12 for the largest rescue exercise of its kind

The effort, dubbed Angel Thunder, will involve the U.S.
Army and Air Force, troops from Germany, Chile, Colombia and observers from Canada, Mexico, Brazil and Pakistan

Several non-military U.S.
agencies such as the State and Justice departments, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office, also will take part in the drills, which aim to smooth interaction between military branches, allied nations and civilian agencies
With about 450 personnel involved, Angel Thunder "is the most complex and largest Department of

Defense personnel- recovery exercise to date," said a news release from Air Combat Command in Langley, Va

D-M will be at the hub of the effort, but most of the mock rescue action will take place elsewhere in Arizona and in New Mexico

Tucsonans may notice some unfamiliar aircraft in the skies during the drills, such as Vietnam-era UH-1N Huey helicopters, which will be used to airlift personnel and equipment to and from training

But D-M officials predict minimal impact on city residents because some of the base's normal training will be suspended during the exercises, and the heaviest traffic will be at remote sites

For many of the military participants, the drills will serve as pre-deployment training for missions in Iraq and Afghanistan, said Maj.
Brett Hartnett, a D-M rescue pilot and project officer in charge of the event
Some of the practice runs are classified — the Defense Department doesn't want enemies knowing the methods used by military rescuers — so few details are being released, Hartnett said

But a major part of training will center on a mock earthquake in a foreign country near a combat zone — the same scenario that arose in Pakistan a few years back when U.S.
combat rescuers in Afghanistan were diverted over the border to aid civilian survivors

Military rescuers often are called upon to save civilians during natural disasters abroad and at home.
No matter who needs saving, many basic rescue skills are the same, Hartnett said

Such training is crucial to keeping skills sharp, and ensuring agencies can work together well, Hartnett said

"We need to do what we need to do to bring the kids back home," he said

NWO Troops invade Kansas
by neverknwo..

HOLTON, Kan. (AP) — Now roaming the nation's heartland: British soldiers.
But, like the Beatles four decades ago, these British invaders are friendly

Some 200 British army and Royal Marine officers are currently in northeast Kansas, training and building relationships with American officers they are likely to see again

"It's all about developing skills, knowledge, attributes and motivation for the troops," said Maj. Jo Bell, spokeswoman for the British Defense Academy traveling with the officers.
"It's all about building up their confidence"

This is the second year the British have conducted exercises near Holton, about 30 miles north of Topeka and an hour from Fort Leavenworth. The officers did similar training at Fort Benning, Ga.
, when the program began four years ago
(Her majesty already invaded Kansas and you thought it was OKAY)

UN foreign troops have been training on US soil for a VERY long time, so dont be surprised when they help the New World Order to round up American families when this country is liquidated.

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