
Arise and Shine

American Resistance Movement - Sons of The Republic


This is Freedom of Speech at it's best!
As Protected and Guaranteed to me in The US Constitution!

I would never cause any type of violence, The video is just an expression of how most Americans feel about the Government, and they are making ready a defense
plan to resist the New World Order.

There are pockets of resistance troops lining up all over this country, ready to fight for our constitutional rights, which has become only a piece of paper, since the present ruling office of the president signed into law the North American Union, to join the US with Canada and Mexico, which nullified all of our rights under the constitution of the United States of America. We have been sold out to the New World Order, and soon this North American Union will join with the African Union, The European Union, and the Asian Union, which will complete the ruling class of the One World government.

North American Union Without Congressional Consent

North American Union Dangers without citizens knowledge

The governments of the world have been working for many years to bring this New World Order into being. They have been working methodically over a course of many years to control us. They deliberately put fluoride in our water, just as they did in the Nazi regime concentration camps to make the prisoners dull witted and passive, and easier to control. They had made vaccines mandatory, to weaken us and our immune system, and damage as many children as possible to have fewer contenders against the will of the ruling elite. Schools have been become more like holding tanks instead of educational systems, because the dumber the people, the easier it is to control them.

All of the foods made available to us is spiked with poisons, and made almost nutritionally void as in GMO foods, and boxed prepared foods. Or meats are contaminated with hormones, antibiotics, and chemicals, and on Dec. 31, 2009, they intend to take away all of our vitamins, and nutritional supplements away from us, so that we will have no way to provide the nutrition needed by our bodies to be healthy and intelligent. The standards of medicine and big pharmaceutical companies are designed to make us sicker, not to heal us, and in many cases the treatment is worse that the diseases, and even the drugs causes diseases.

We have deliberately been bombarded by many forms of entertainment to distract us from what they are planning against us. The governments themselves have brought illegal drugs into the country to addict and incapacitate the masses to whatever degree possible. They have made distractions and entertainment as a way of life for us. After 9/11, president Bush encouraged people to go to ball games, and go back to work so that we would not notice that 9/11 was an inside job, created to implement into law Homeland Security, and the Patriot Act which legalizes the attest and murder of ordinary citizens without due process of law, for the time of Martial Law that is also planned. At first, people will start disappearing out of their home. And there are already planned plagues created in the labs to do biological warfare against their own citizens.

Concentration camps have been already prepared, along with the death trains, and your coffins have been purchased, lining everything up to only leave about 15% of the population alive, which will include the ruling elite and their slaves. Underground cities have already been completed to shelter the ruling elite during the times of mass extermination. World War III has already been planned as a way of fast extinction, and all of the governments of the world are working to at the same goals, but putting on a show in order to gain compliance. The nuclear weapons have already been supplied to Russia and China to insure the extinction plans, which our own governments have supplied them with. This will also cause sterility which will keep the population down even further, from building back up again. They are planning our deaths, even as you set here reading this report.

The Future of America part 13 NWO Proof - Their Plans! - WW3 - The Coffins, the FEMA Camps, the Flu, the Food Codex, The Energy/Food Crisis, Agenda 21 - Don't just watch my videos JOIN US!



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