
Arise and Shine

RE: ACLU's Game Plan To Fight The New World Order
There are five sections to this posting from my blog of video reviews:
Google Toxic Reverend and my profile comes right up, if others want the info.

Educational video's with explanations and verifiable background information, with commentary with regard to this over view.

1 - The End Of America (Video - movie by Naomi Wolf)
Only the introduction from the ACLU should auto-play.

As stated in the introduction, "they have a plan of action for us, against this.

Thank you Naomi Wolf and ACLU members

You have to click play to watch the film.

Click the "snag" to post anywhere on the net.

2 - Homicide Charges Against president bush
Video of a Congressional Hearing with Retired DA Vincent Bugliosi
(of whom convicted Manson).
It is a video of Bugliosi trying to
charge Bush with murder - impeachment at the Congressional Hearing.

He has also written a book about the subject;
"The Prosecution of George W.
Bush for Murder"
http://www. prosecutionofbush. com/

3 - "Big Brother - the Big Picture" by David Icke 2 hour video about the New World Order that exposes the financial situation of the world and how it really works.
It will give you an idea of where your money went and is going.
For verificationand a reality check against conspiracy theories, youmight want to look at an article that exposes the "Root of the $700 Billion Scam and financial collapse" by reporting (though censored in main media)35 attorneys general and 43 state bank commissioners tired to stop"predatory mortgage lending".
The supreme court ruled that theyhad to follow the federal regulations and could not stop it.
In reference; Do We Need A Federal Mortgage Investigation?by Peter G.
Miller, Published: June 11, 2008Realty Times, Real Estate News and Advicehttp://realtytimes. com/rtpages/20080611_millerreport. htm
("Just follow the falling domino's of the money trail" - TR)

4 - the "Rajneesh Bio-Weapon Incident of 1984"
As many mistakenly believe, this was not the first nor the largest
biological weapons attack in America, on Americana's.

My review explains COINTELPRO and radiation, biological weapons
experiments on unsuspecting American's,with verifiable reference material.

5:Wake Up Call - New World Order Documentary (Remastered)
Great compilation of clips from truth documentaries.


Though the movie "End of America" would not play in the
attached forwarded posting, I was able
to copy the link and can watch it from
there .... so if it does not play for you,
try the linked in web page.

The End Of America
http://www. snagfilms. com/films/title/the_end_of_america/
The End Of America, by Naomi Wolf
http://www. myspace. com/naomiwolfsofficialpage

Additional important information:>
(Please forward and re-post - TR)

Retired DA Vincent Bugliosi that convicted Manson
trying to charge Bush with murder - impeachment

Congressional Hearing Video posted at:
http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=45f1Riv_z1I

George W Bush knew and purposely lied to America and mislead The Congress about "Saddam Hussein NOT being an IMMINENT threat to the United States by deleting that critical sentence in a declassified report (The White Papers) by his own Intelligence Advisors in order to start the War with Iraq.


In his book, Bugliosi says he has irrefutable proof to convict both George W Bush and Dick Cheney for 1st Degree Murder, a crime for which there is NO Statute of Limitations. Bugliosi is best known for his successful 1970 prosecution of Charles Manson.

Main Stream Media has not covering this Historic Event, brought by the moving papers of Articles of Impeachment, authored by Congressman Dennis Kucinich, (D) Ohio and former presidential candidate.

CSPAN 1 is the only network to have covered this Hearing gavel to gavel.

link: http://www. informationclearinghouse. info/article21057. htm

The entire David IcKe video on "Big Brother"
is posted at
http://www. davidicke. com/index. php/
It is a free video download with permission
granted to copy, re-post and broadcast.

Posted at:
http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=hSwJZoxr77c

David Icke - Big Brother, The Big Picture

David Icke - Big Brother, The Big Picture [part 2]
Posted at:
http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=BEyVkPcA2mI&feature=related


The Toxic Reverend
Stop Red Collar Crime
Homicide Charges For Corporations

(Rough draft posted with active reference links)
http://www. angelfire. com/nm/redcollarcrime


4 - The "Rajneesh Incident of 1984"
This was not the first nor the largest biological weapons attack in
America, on American's.

Prelude and verifiable basic background information:

For verifiable facts concerning non-lethal biological weapons associated with
dozens of chronic illnesses and cancers,check out theses web pages.

These are verifiable and not just conspiracy theories:
Gulf War Vets, The Sunshine Project
Peer reviewed medical journal articles with treatment options can be found at
The Institute for Molecular Medicine
A "plain language" review of the genetically spliced "Incapacitating Agents" that
cause the "Gulf War Syndrome" that many veterans are sick with, can be found at
Project Day Lily
Project Day Lily is based on a true story.
The authors wrote Project Day Lily in order to
shed light on a crisis facing our country and the world.
A fictional format was used to
maximize dramatic content; the events described are true, and the scientific principles
discussed in the book have been documented in the authors' publications, reports and
sworn testimony to Presidential Commissions and committees of the U. S. Congress.

That said, this blog posting is a review of what many consider the first and largest
biological weapons attack on American's, in 1984.
The Gulf War Vets have
documentation posted and have made a DVD called "Beyond Treason"
that shows the "Rajneesh Incident of 1984" was neither the first nor the
largest biological weapons attack on America.

The video below makes reference to the a biological weapons attack
on American's, in America.
In which hundreds were sickened, in a small
Oregon town (1984).

Google search terms;
"Rajneesh biological weapons attack"

While it has never been proven exactly who was responsible, many blamed "The Rajneesh".

It does seem probable that "food poisoning" was a government COINTELPRO operation.


In 1984, there was a commune of about 10,000 people called "Rajneeshpuram".

When you at first arrived there, you were checked for STD's and given a red bead
to wear.
Once you were cleared (about ten days for the test results), you were
given your choice of a blue or a green bead to wear.

Blue, ask me I might. Green, ask me I probably will.

Or you could choose two red beads that meant you were in a
"committed monotonous" or I mean a "monogamous relationship".

A man called, "Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh", was also called
"the Love Guru". He had changed his name to "Osho", before his death.

To simply state the philosophy,
"Blessed are those that give,for the God's of Love thrive upon orgasms".

But seriously;
The belief being that if sexual desires distract you from Spiritual pursuit,
eliminate the distraction by satisfying it.

Contrary to the pink collar crimes of Catholic priests.

What the video posted below does not tell you is the the government had a
COINTELPRO operation that undermined the votes among the
Of whom where a little upset about the
thorazine in beer that the Rajneesh had used as a
form of attempts to keep the homeless
people that they had brought in from around the country "mellow".

How ever, the "thorazine incident" does go against the
"core values" of the Rajneesh and does follow typical COINTELPRO and the

Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress Truth, The Rules of Disinformation
(Includes The 8 Traits of A Disinformationalist) by H. Michael Sweeney

The Rajneesh had brought in enough people to out vote the
citizens of Cantaloupe and renamed the city, Rajneeshpuram. Of which
had also put a Congressional seat with in their grasp. Prior to
this, there were Congressional allegations
of residents in the city
of Cantaloupe having been poisoned to disrupt their voting process.

In reference, try a Google search on "Rajneesh poisoned Cantaloupe".

It is my belief that the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh ("Osho") was ignorant
of what some of his "followers" (or government operatives) were doing with the thorazine and
food poisoning techniques.
While it has never been proven exactly
who was responsible, many blamed "Ma Sheela".
Even though it
does seem more probable that both instances were a government
COINTELPRO operation.

Irregardless, Osho was deported and some of the followers (called sannyasins) were
jailed and later released.
While I was at the commune with about 10,000 other
people for a month, I did not become a sannyasins.

There were some "homeless individuals", built like Rambo with short military style hair cuts.

At least one of whom was always talking about how the Rajneesh were just using us
to get control of the county with our votes and would "dump us" after they got it.

So when the county changes the voting rules right before the election, requiring a six
month residency to vote, the Rajneesh could have fought it.
But they had lost about
half of the votes from the homeless, that were ready to vote for the county, anyway.

I was rather astounded at
the amount of propaganda that was in the news, at the time (1984),
when I left.
Leaving me to wonder if the Rajneesh leaders might have been framed
and set up by the very people that investigated them.
The video does make mention of
Osho inviting the investigation, though I suspect that he was not prepared for the
treachery and betrayal of the "COINTELPRO".

The YouTube video below is posted at

http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=3cDgOf2Om28

If the YouTube video does not play here, try the above web address.


Post Script:

Just for the record, my mind set with this topic,
and if you have an interest in "what love is"
(the meaning of love), read the book,

The Road Less Traveled by Scott Peck

and check out the workbook,

Exploring the Road Less Traveled:
A Study Guide for Small Groups
by Alice Howard, Walden Howard,
Scott Peck, M.D.
(Foreword by)

I did the study group twice, back in the 1990's and have found it
to be about progress, not perfection.

The "Road Less Traveled" presents what Osho was really teaching,
from another perspective.
Much of what Osho taught has been
obscured by propaganda.

What Osho really taught was that there is a one all powerful God with many roads that
lead unto. "A God, is a God, is a God and by any other name, is a God.
So choose
your path and get to know God".

The Rajneesh also taught in 1984 that HIV was a heterosexual disease
and not just a problem for the gays and drug addicts.
As the government
was then saying.
The Rajneesh even went out and educated prostitutes
about safe sex and the importance of using a condom.
Again, this was
back in 1984 and no doubt helped to save more than a few lives.


You will not find this information at the Homeland Security Department of
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Countermeasures
In fact, there is a list of over 100 DEAD SCIENTISTS AND MICROBIOLOGISTS
that have died under extremely strange circumstances.

You might call the list, "censorship by homicide".

Blessings, Tom Krohmer aka The Toxic Reverend
Note that the Surgeon General Koop had blames the radiation contamination
of tobacco for the majority of cases of cancer associated with smoking.
did not mention that this skewed the epidemiological studies of radiation
Most of which were performed on unsuspecting American's,
with out consent.

See Experiments Performed by the Atomic Energy Commission and the Depar...

Toxic Revelations;
Censored information on biological weapons and
the health care industry
The censored rough draft has been reposted
http://www. puppstheories. com/ToxicRevelations/tr. html
or just do a Google search on "Toxic Revelations"

In addition:


Scroll down at the next link for the video and or html code to repost.

The html code for posting is given after the movie, at the above link.

The movie is pasted in after this brief message and link.

Wake Up Call - New World Order Documentary [Remastered]

Great compilation of clips from truth documentaries. Some of the topics covered in the film: The New World Order, Federal Reserve, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, North American Union, the Rockefeller/Rothschild families, Freemasonry, Bohemian Grove, the Illuminati, Illuminati symbolism, Problem-Reaction-Solution, 9-11, war profiteering, the phoney 'War on Terrorism', the impending 'Big Brother Surveillance Society', the war on civil liberties, microchipping, mind control, media control and 'education system' indoctrination...

Featuring: Alex Jones, David Icke, Aaron Russo, Jordan Maxwell, G. Edward Griffin, Jim Marrs, Bill Hicks, Daniel Estulin, Jim Tucker, Ted Gunderson, Anthony Hilder, Professor Steven Jones, Webster Tarpley, George Carlin, John Taylor Gatto, Charlotte Iserbyt, Dave vonKleist, Stan Monteith and others.

Please spread the word as much as you can...


Go to EscapeTheIllusion. com to discover more knowledge, information, videos, audios, articles and much more! Are YOU ready to escape the illusion?

You can find this article in full, including clean code that you can use to post a new bulletin at the following url:
http://www. escapetheillusion. com/blog/2008/10/wake-up-call-new-wo...

If you enjoyed this post, please feel free to spread the information and repost this.

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