
Arise and Shine

Polit​ical Reneg​ades:​ Gov. Ventu​ra and Willi​e Nelso​n chall​enge two-​party​ stran​gleho​ld

Polit​ical Reneg​ades:​ Gov. Ventu​ra and Willi​e Nelso​n chall​enge two-​party​ stran​gleho​ld

Ventura: Patriots must hold government’s ‘feet to the fire’ or else it goes bad
Nelson: Government should have bailed out family farms, not Wall Street

Aaron Dykes
Infowars. com
October 28, 2008

RELATED: Exclusive photos of Jesse Ventura, Alex Jones and Willie Nelson at the music icon’s world headquarters.

A Conversation with Willie - Alex Jones & Jesse Ventura visit the music icon’s home to catch up on contemporary politics.
Part One

IN EXCLUSIVE VIDEO, legendary music icon Willie Nelson meets up with former Governor Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones to discuss the implications of the 2008 Election, the effects of widespread economic downturn and lingering questions about 9/11.

Gov. Ventura hopes to challenge the ‘horse-race’ voting mentality that has made both parties unresponsive to the people.

“If we break the trend of electing Democrats and Republicans, and start electing independents, we will get out of the problem we’re in,” Ventura told News 8 Austin, urging people to vote their ‘heart’ and ‘conscience’ outside The Backyard, where Willie Nelson performed at the venue’s final event.

A Conversation with Willie - Alex Jones & Jesse Ventura visit the music icon’s home to catch up on contemporary politics.
Part Two

Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones addressed the need to dissent against the status quo and reminded those watching online that the First Amendment is meant to protect even unpopular speech.The former Minnesota Governor said people cannot be afraid to criticize the government. He insisted that patriots must ‘hold government’s feet to the fire’– otherwise, bad government will result.

Ventura was a political rarity, as an unexpected independent victor in Minnesota’s 1998 Gubernatorial race, a clear threat to the two-party dictatorship that dominates the political landscape.

Willie Nelson lambasted the government’s corrupt bailout of Wall Street while the traditional family farm continues to erode away in the wake of economic downturn, allowing corporate farming to further dominate.

Meeting the Mind: Former Governor Jesse Ventura discusses the 2008 Election and 9/11 - Part One

Last week, the ardent Farm Aid activist challenged Hank Paulson and Ben Bernanke to bailout the family farm, instead.

“I have written a letter as president of Farm Aid to whoever controls that money that we would like to have $1 billion dollars from that 700….$1 billion dollars is I think all we’ll need to turn the economy around if we start out taking care of our family farmers,” Nelson told The Alex Jones Show.

Former Gov. Ventura, Author of ‘Don’t Start the Revolution Without Me’ also joined Alex in the car where he explained the problem with the fact that many government agencies simply refuse to discuss the official 9/11 story.

Meeting the Mind: Former Governor Jesse Ventura discusses the 2008 Election and 9/11 - Part Two

Ventura criticized government agencies for putting out reports and being unwilling to defend them, and simply refusing to answer any questions.

“If they’re not hiding something– let me put it this way– they’re certainly not cooperative.” If government reports are truthful, Ventura challenges, “then why does the government behave in a manner that makes them look guilty of something and then allows conspiracy theorists the foothold to go with that.

Governments, Ventura says, simply issue their reports and take no questions from anyone. And that just can’t stand.

Former Gov. Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones live at the Backyard, where Willie Nelson performed at the venue’s last event, Oct. 26, 2008.

Unaccounted government will only lead to greater abuses, which in turn will demand greater resistance on the part of its people. Ventura and Nelson, veteran renegades of the 60s and 70s, say they’ve seen the history cycle through more than once already.

They only hope people now awake to government abuses can stay awake long enough to make a difference this time around.

Both Gov. Ventura and Willie Nelson have appeared on the Alex Jones Show to discuss their doubts about the official 9/11 story, particularly the apparently inconsistent manner in which the Twin Towers and WTC 7 collapsed after two planes struck the World Trade Center on 9/11.

http://www. infowars. com/?p=5599

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