London Telegraph published a story on Barack Obama's 'father & son' ties with a certain Frank Marshall Davis, an extreme Black Nationalist, Communist Party member, and very explicitly, an admitted pedophile, particularly targeting underage white girls.
Although identified only as Frank in Mr Obama’s memoir Dreams from My Father, it has now been established that he was Frank Marshall Davis, a radical activist and journalist who had been suspected of being a member of the Communist Party in the 1950s.
Mr Davis moved to Honolulu from Chicago in 1948 with his second wife Helen Canfield, a white socialite, at the suggestion of his friend the actor Paul Robeson, who advised them that there would be more tolerance of a mixed race couple in Hawaii than on the American mainland.
A bohemian libertine who drank heavily and loved jazz, he became friends with Stanley Dunham, Mr Obama’s maternal grandfather in the 1960s. Mr Davis died in 1987 at the age of 81, five years before Mr Dunham.
“He knew Stan real well,” said Dawna Weatherly-Williams, a close friend of Mr Davis “They’d play Scrabble and drink and crack jokes and crack jokes and argue. Frank always won and he was always very braggadocio about it too. It was all jocular. They didn’t get polluted drunk. And Frank never really did drugs, though he and Stan would smoke pot together. ”
It has also been established that Mr Davis, who divorced in 1970, was the author of a hard-core pornographic autobiography published in San Diego in 1968 by Greenleaf Classics under the pseudonym Bob Greene. In a surviving portion of an autobiographical manuscript, Mr Davis confirms that he was the author of Sex Rebel: Black after a reader had noticed the “similarities in style and phraseology” between the pornographic work and his poetry.“I could not then truthfully deny that this book, which came out in 1968 as a Greenleaf Classic, was mine. ”
In the introduction to Sex Rebel, Mr Davis (writing as Greene) explains that although he has “changed names and identities…all incidents I have described have been taken from actual experiences”.He stated that “under certain circumstances I am bisexual” and that he was “ a voyeur and an exhibitionist” who was “occasionally mildly interested in sado-masochism”, adding: “I have often wished I had two penises to enjoy simultaneously the double – but different – sensations of oral and genital copulation. ”
The book, which closely tracks Mr Davis’s life in Chicago and Hawaii and the fact that his first wife was black and his second white, describes in lurid detail a series of shockingly sordid sexual encounters, often involving group sex.
One chapter concerns the seduction by Mr Davis and his first wife of a 13-year-old girl called Anne. Mr Davis wrote that it was the girl who had suggested he had sex with her.
“I’m not one to go in for Lolitas. Usually I’d rather not bed a babe under 20.“But there are exceptions. I didn’t want to disappoint the trusting child. At her still-impressionistic age, a rejection might be traumatic, could even cripple her sexually for life. ”
He then described how he and his wife would have sex with the girl. “Anne came up many times the next several weeks, her aunt thinking she was in good hands. Actually she was. “
She obtained a course in practical sex from experienced and considerate practitioners rather than from ignorant insensitive neophytes….
I think we did her a favour, although the pleasure was mutual. ”On other occasions, Mr Davis would cruise in Hawaii parks looking for couples or female tourists to have sex with. He derived sexual gratification from bondage, simulated rape and being flogged and urinated on.
Who would be a pornographer the Dunhams knew?
Very odd.....especially odd is the absence of Obama's father from his life, and his hardcore commitment to 'Black Liberation Theology' Really think about it...wouldn't they want to interview his family in Kenya?
BARACK OBAMA SENIOR ISN'T EVEN HIS FATHER!!!!!!!!Now for the photographic evidence... Does Obama resemble this man?
Obama is notorious for this look of hatred
The reason why something like this would be hidden is simple
(1) Davis was married, and having a kid with an underage white girl wouldn't be too cool for him
(2) Obama needed a Visa.....if you look at every photo of Obama & Dunham, it's always very platonic, like a quid pro quo kind of affair
(3) Most of all, he's the perfect Communist trojan horse, imagine if the public found out Obama's real father is a hardcore pedophile communist? I'll have more information the more I discover, it's something to really think about, and really can anyone deny the coincidences & resemblence?
1) Barack Obama has no intentions to, and will not dismantel the Patriot Act, or to fully restore the U.S. Constitution
2) Barak Obama has no intentions to, nor will he stop George Bush's pending "North American Union" known as the "Security, prosperity, and partnership of the "North American" Act
3) Barack Obama has no intentions to, nor will he stop the Nafta Highway
4) Barack Obama has no intentions to nor will he Remove the Federal Reserve Central bank for power
5) Barack Obama has no intentions to, nor will he intentionally reduce military size and/or spending
6) Barack Obama has not intentions to, nor will he seek criminal charges against the Bush administration for acts of treason, war crimes, and the cover up of 9/11
If by chance any of these things are brought about by Barack Obama, then the entire nation can celebrate and declare a national Holiday. But do not hold your breath.
'This has been a real sham he's pulled off for the last 20 months'
(The real reason Barack is going to Hawaii to see Grandma!)
The Pennsylvania Democrat who has sued Sen. Barack Obama demanding he prove his American citizenship – and therefore qualification to run for president – has confirmed he has a recording of a telephone call from the senator's paternal grandmother confirming his More.. birth in Kenya.
The issue of Obama's birthplace, which he states is Honolulu in 1961, has been raised enough times that his campaign website has posted an image purporting to be of his "Certification of Live Birth" from Hawaii.
But Philip J. Berg, a former deputy attorney general for Pennsylvania, told the Michael Savage talk radio program tonight that the document is forged and that he has a tape recording he will soon release. "This has been a real sham he's pulled off for the last 20 months," Berg told Savage. "I'll release it [the tape] in a day or two, affidavits from her talking to a certain person. I heard the tape. She was speaking [to someone] here in the United States." He said the telephone call was from Obama's paternal grandmother affirming she "was in the delivery room in Kenya when he was born Aug. 4, 1961."
Berg said he's pursuing the issue because of "the most important document in the United States," the U.S. Constitution.
"Nothing is more important than enforcing the Constitution," he said. "The Constitution's provisions are very small for qualifying for president. One, be over 35, and he is. Two, be in the country 14 years, and he has been. Three, be a natural-born citizen. He is not."
Obama campaign officials acknowledged the dispute by posting the image purporting to be a copy of his certification of live birth earlier this year. But they've declined to return WND requests for comment on the issues.
WND reported earlier this week Berg's claim that Obama has legally "admitted" the accusations included in his lawsuit, including that he was born in Mombosa, Kenya, by not responding to the allegations. Berg filed suit in U.S. District Court in August alleging Obama is not a natural-born citizen and is thus ineligible to serve as president of the United States.
His lawsuit is demanding that the courts verify Obama's original birth certificate. Berg has cited Rule 36 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which states that unless the accused party provides written answer or objection to charges within 30 days, the accused legally admits the matter.
Since Obama filed only motions to dismiss the case and did not actually answer the claims, according to Rule 36, Obama has legally admitted he is not a natural-born citizen., asserted Berg, who has taken his information public through his website. Berg addressed the existence of a birth announcement in the Honolulu Advertiser newspaper, featured on the Atlasshrugs2000 website, that suggests Obama was born in the city Aug. 4, 1961.
But Berg explained to Savage he believes Obama's mother was near the end of her pregnancy and unable to travel by plane, so Obama was born in Kenya. The family then traveled to Hawaii and registered the birth and submitted the newspaper announcement. Besides Berg's lawsuit, several other court challenges also have been filed, including one in Washington state where petitioners are seeking to have the Washington secretary of state "verify Obama's eligibility" to serve prior to the election. The claim states, "The 'certificate' that Mr. Obama has posted on his official Website is a 'Certification of Live Birth,' and not a 'Birth Certificate' from Hawaii. There is no indication on even this certificate as to specifically where the birth took place." Berg also told Savage there is no information available on which hospital Obama's mother used in Hawaii.
The Washington state case also alleges, "Wayne Madsen, Journalist with Online Journal as a contributing writer and published an article on June 9, 2008, stating that a research team went to Mombassa, Kenya, and located a Certificate Registering the birth of Barack Obama, Jr. at a Kenya Maternity Hospital, to his father, a Kenyan citizen and his mother, a U.S. citizen. When Jerome Corsi, senior WND investigator reporter, recently traveled to Kenya to investigate several questions about the candidate, he was told the records were sealed and would not be made available. Though it hasn't given Berg the evidence he seeks, the Obama campaign has publicly answered allegations that the candidate was born in Kenya and faked his Hawaii birth certificate.
"Smears claiming Barack Obama doesn't have a birth certificate aren't actually about that piece of paper," says the "Fight the Smears" section of Obama's website, "they're about manipulating people into thinking Barack is not an American citizen. "The truth is, Barack Obama was born in the state of Hawaii in 1961, a native citizen of the United States of America," the campaign website states. It also includes images of the Hawaii certificate bearing the name Barack Hussein Obama II. The Washington claim states, "If in fact Obama was born in Kenya, the laws on the books in the United States at the time of his birth stated if a child is born abroad and one parent was a U.S. Citizen, which would have been his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, Obama's mother would have had to live ten (10) years in the United States, five (5) of which were after the age of fourteen (14). At the time of Obama's birth, his mother was only eighteen (18) and therefore did not meet the residency requirements under the law to give her son (Obama) U.S. Citizenship much less the status of 'natural born.'"
Berg said he believed it also was a complication that Obama's mother divorced his father, married and moved to Indonesia for several years and Obama attended school there at a time when, Berg said, only Indonesia citizens were allowed in schools. Records that are available from Indonesia revealed Obama was registered in school as Barry Soetoro, and his religion was listed as Islam.
When Obama later returned to Hawaii, within the United States, there should have been a government document affirming his citizenship, but that also cannot be found. If that was not processed properly, Berg said, Obama would be in a situation even worse than not being a natural-born citizen. "If he didn't go through immigration, he now is illegal and has been an illegal alien. He couldn't even hold the position of senator for Illinois," Berg said. Further, Berg said he suspected Obama's college records may indicate he received aid as a foreigner, and that's why those records have been withheld by the campaign. "I really think it's because it probably indicates he's from Kenya, or Indonesia, or received foreign aid," Berg said.Obama Assisting to Stop U.S. Production of Automobiles.
Curious what an energy policy may look like under an Obama Administration? Back in May, Obama told Oregonians
"We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times... and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK.... That's not leadership. That's not going to happen. "
Meanwhile in neighboring Washington State, Obama sponsor Gov More..ernor Christine Gregoire has gone one giant leap further. She recently signed into LAW, a bill that will mandate people to drive 50% less.
Washington State to restrict by 50% the miles residents drive by car By signing into law the western world's most draconian greenhouse gas bill, Washington State Governor, Christine Gregoire, took to a whole new level the expression, "Give them an inch and they'll take a mile,"
Gregoire who was given an inch in 2004 when she was allowed by a deeply entrenched Democrat bureaucracy to find thousands of votes several weeks AFTER losing the Gubernatorial election, has returned the favor by taking away the residents right to drive unlimited miles on the State's freeways.
By pandering to that bureaucracy and the State's eco-socialists, Gregoire hopes to be reelected this Fall. That is the only possible explanation why HB 2815 which was rushed through both houses in Olympia by large Democrat majorities, passed the Governor's line item veto completely unchallenged.
HB 2815 notes, "The legislature finds that Washington has long been a national and international leader on energy conservation and environmental stewardship. "
Because of the State's self-proclaimed position as guardian of Planet Earth, the new law proclaims, "Using a statewide baseline of seventy-five billion vehicle miles traveled," ( 1990 usage, excluding freight trucks,) the State "will decrease the annual per capita vehicle miles traveled by eighteen percent by 2020; 35% in 2035 and 50% in 2050"
The Act does not detail enforcement particulars, but sets up a process to finalize the details over the next couple of years. Nor does the bill attempt to quantify the economic disaster it will bring upon business in the state.
The State of Washington has been governed by Democrats since 1984. A 24 year period of increasingly big government bureaucracy has created a hostile business environment resulting in a number of major corporations moving operations and/or HQ out of the State. Most notably this includes the Boeing Corporation which moved it HQ to Illinois in 2001, without even bothering to give notice to Governor Locke.
Why legislate against driving the car? Auto manufacturers are already increasing miles per gallon. Reduction in mobility will be a disaster for business.
How long before Obama passes a similar Federal bill in Washington DC? Maybe he's lining his pal Gregoire up for an EPA Federal position after she loses her job this November...she's behind in the polls. After all she claims Washington State is the leader in environmental policy and has already signed into law the model legislation
And like Obama, Gregoire's a career pol who has absolutely no idea what it is like to run a business in the real world, and therefore has no problem passing legislation that will cripple her State's economy. Particularly when the effects of her madness will not be felt until she's left office.
Wonder if the voters in Michigan know about this? Extremely bad news for Washington State's economic future; catastrophic for auto-producing Michigan...especially when the other 48 States follow suit.
"I feel very confident saying these things," Berg told Savage
Obama Assisting to Stop U.S. Production of Automobiles.
Curious what an energy policy may look like under an Obama Administration? Back in May, Obama told Oregonians
"We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times... and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK.... That's not leadership. That's not going to happen. "
Meanwhile in neighboring Washington State, Obama sponsor Gov More..ernor Christine Gregoire has gone one giant leap further. She recently signed into LAW, a bill that will mandate people to drive 50% less.
Washington State to restrict by 50% the miles residents drive by car By signing into law the western world's most draconian greenhouse gas bill, Washington State Governor, Christine Gregoire, took to a whole new level the expression, "Give them an inch and they'll take a mile,"
Gregoire who was given an inch in 2004 when she was allowed by a deeply entrenched Democrat bureaucracy to find thousands of votes several weeks AFTER losing the Gubernatorial election, has returned the favor by taking away the residents right to drive unlimited miles on the State's freeways.
By pandering to that bureaucracy and the State's eco-socialists, Gregoire hopes to be reelected this Fall. That is the only possible explanation why HB 2815 which was rushed through both houses in Olympia by large Democrat majorities, passed the Governor's line item veto completely unchallenged.
HB 2815 notes, "The legislature finds that Washington has long been a national and international leader on energy conservation and environmental stewardship. "
Because of the State's self-proclaimed position as guardian of Planet Earth, the new law proclaims, "Using a statewide baseline of seventy-five billion vehicle miles traveled," ( 1990 usage, excluding freight trucks,) the State "will decrease the annual per capita vehicle miles traveled by eighteen percent by 2020; 35% in 2035 and 50% in 2050"
The Act does not detail enforcement particulars, but sets up a process to finalize the details over the next couple of years. Nor does the bill attempt to quantify the economic disaster it will bring upon business in the state.
The State of Washington has been governed by Democrats since 1984. A 24 year period of increasingly big government bureaucracy has created a hostile business environment resulting in a number of major corporations moving operations and/or HQ out of the State. Most notably this includes the Boeing Corporation which moved it HQ to Illinois in 2001, without even bothering to give notice to Governor Locke.
Why legislate against driving the car? Auto manufacturers are already increasing miles per gallon. Reduction in mobility will be a disaster for business.
How long before Obama passes a similar Federal bill in Washington DC? Maybe he's lining his pal Gregoire up for an EPA Federal position after she loses her job this November...she's behind in the polls. After all she claims Washington State is the leader in environmental policy and has already signed into law the model legislation
And like Obama, Gregoire's a career pol who has absolutely no idea what it is like to run a business in the real world, and therefore has no problem passing legislation that will cripple her State's economy. Particularly when the effects of her madness will not be felt until she's left office.
Wonder if the voters in Michigan know about this? Extremely bad news for Washington State's economic future; catastrophic for auto-producing Michigan...especially when the other 48 States follow suit.
Sarkozy: Obama an empty suit on foreign policy French President Nicolas Sarkozy is very critical of U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama's positions on Iran, according to reports that have reached Israel's government.
Sarkozy has made his criticisms only in closed forums in France. But according to a senior Israeli government source, the reports reaching Israel indicate that Sarkozy views the Democratic candidate's stance on Iran as "ut More..terly immature" and comprised of "formulations empty of all content."
Obama visited Paris in July, and the Iranian issue was at the heart of his meeting with Sarkozy. At a joint press conference afterward, Obama urged Iran to accept the West's proposal on its nuclear program, saying that Iran was creating a serious situation that endangered both Israel and the West.
According to the reports reaching Israel, Sarkozy told Obama at that meeting that if the new American president elected in November changed his country's policy toward Iran, that would be "very problematic."
Until now, the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany have tried to maintain a united front on Iran. But according to the senior Israeli source, Sarkozy fears that Obama might "arrogantly" ignore the other members of this front and open a direct dialogue with Iran without preconditions.
Following their July meeting, Sarkozy repeatedly expressed disappointment with Obama's positions on Iran, concluding that they were "not crystallized, and therefore many issues remain open," the Israeli source said. Advisors to the French president who held separate meetings with Obama's advisors came away with similar impressions and expressed similar disappointment.
According to the Israeli source, Sarkozy plans to begin intensive negotiations with the new American administration, regardless of whether it is headed by Obama or Republican Sen. John McCain, even before the new president takes office in January, with the goal of persuading him to continue the current policy on Iran.
But Sarkozy's pessimism does not stem only from Obama's stance; it also stems from the overall behavior of the international community toward Iran's nuclear program, and particularly its inability to agree on a fourth round of Security Council sanctions against the Islamic Republic. This foot-dragging will make it impossible to effect a change in Iran's nuclear policy, Sarkozy believes.
The French intelligence community believes that Iran has already obtained about 40 percent of the enriched uranium it would need for its first bomb, and that at its current rate, it will obtain the rest of the uranium it needs in the spring or summer of 2009.
However, French agencies are divided over what Iran is likely to do once it has this uranium. One view is that the Iranians will immediately make a nuclear bomb, in order to demonstrate their capability. The other is that Iran will continue enriching uranium without making a bomb - at least until it has enough enriched uranium for several bombs.
http://www. haaretz. com/hasen/spages/1031943. html
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