
Arise and Shine

places illegal sanctions against Russia
New sanctions imposed by the U.S. on Russia's military export monopoly Rosoboronexport are against international law, says Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. He added Russia will keep them in mind in future relations with the U.S.

Washington says Russia's state military supplier Rosoboronexport has been dealing with Iran and supports the country's nuclear programme.

The U.S. had already imposed More.. sanctions on Rosoboronexport twice, in July and December 2006, in connection with the "violation" by Rosoboronexport of the 'non-proliferation' law passed by Congress and the potential for financial contribution to the development of weapons of mass destruction in Iran and Syria.

Those sanctions are still in force

"Like the old ones, these additional sanctions violate international law. The U.S. is trying to apply its own domestic laws beyond its borders. We'll take this into account in our relations with Washington," said Lavrov.

Rosoboronexport itself has called the new sanctions a demonstration of America's unfair competition against them, as Washington is Moscow's main competitor in the world arms market.

Meanwhile, U.S. sanctions may result in stopping Russian titanium deliveries to Boeing, according to Itar Tass news agency reports quoting a military industry official. This is because the new measures apply not only to Rosoboronexport, but also to its subsidiaries. One of these is VSMPO-AVISMA, which is one of the world's largest titanium producers.

Boeing's Moscow's office said the situation regarding titanium deliveries would not become clear before next week at the earliest when U.S. State Department will give more details on the sanctions.

October 24, 2008, 19:24
http://www. russiatoday. com/news/news/32370

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