
Arise and Shine

CNN Broad​cast About​ US Army Patro​lling​ US Stree​ts & Dr Bill Deagl​e - Progn​osis for Plane​t Earth​ (​Impor​tant)​

Major Public Concerns Of Martial Law In The U.S.

http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=kyBaxm2oIHk

br/>Dr Bill Deagl​e - Progn​osis for Plane​t Earth​ (​Impor​tant)​

Project Camelot interviews Bill Deagle - Part 1 of 3
(part 2 is still missing - you can download mp3 audio from Project Camelot)

Bill Deagle : Prognosis for Planet Earth

Vista, California, September 2008

http://projectcamelot. org/

Few in the UFO/ Consipracy/ Disclosure movement are as controversial as Dr Bill Deagle.
Outspoken, brilliant and passionate, he has generated as many critics as he has made committed friends

We're well aware of this controversy. This three hour video is essential viewing - we suggest - for anyone who has criticised this man. We stand behind his testimony: inasmuch as there's nothing we know which contradicts anything he has said.
On the other hand, the more we learn, the more we find we're able to validate the whistleblower testimony that Bill Deagle reports

The video presents a different side to Bill Deagle.
We engage him in conversation (and hold our own!) and we believe we have succeeded in bringing out the human being, the warm and caring side to him, that aspect of someone who in his passion for the truth, and for the potential splendor and magnificence of the human race, has sometimes spoken in terms so strong that some have found him hard to hear

He is a Prophet of modern times: but many misunderstand that term. A Prophet is not a seer or a fortune teller. A Prophet - in the original meaning of the word, and the way Bill Deagle uses it - is someone who says: "This is what's likely to occur if we don't wake up or shape up.
" In that mission, Camelot shares and supports his stand

Bill Deagle's Website
http://www. clayandiron. com/

Views: 2

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