
Arise and Shine

Major Public Concerns Of Martial Law In The U.S.

This aired on Lou Dobbs Friday, Oct 24th 2008. There has been so much legislation passed since 9/11 to get complete control over the U.S. Anyone can google the references in this video and find the truth for themselves. We have been under Martial Law incrementally since 9/11.

1955: The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act

For those who haven't seen it, here is More..a snippet from the Bill, which is actually legislation that is set to amend Title VIII of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 361 et seq.). So, part of the Bill amends the Act by including... (note subsection (3) in we should all be wary of this now being the first (or, rather, next big) step in necking down Internet freedom)

..The Congress finds the following:

..(1) The development and implementation of methods and processes that can be utilized to prevent violent radicalization, homegrown terrorism, and ideologically based violence in the United States is critical to combating domestic terrorism.

..(2) The promotion of violent radicalization, homegrown terrorism, and ideologically based violence exists in the United States and poses a threat to homeland security.

..(3) The Internet has aided in facilitating violent radicalization, ideologically based violence, and the homegrown terrorism process in the United States by providing access to broad and constant streams of terrorist-related propaganda to United States citizens.

..(4) While the United States must continue its vigilant efforts to combat international terrorism, it must also strengthen efforts to combat the threat posed by homegrown terrorists based and operating within the United States.

..(5) Understanding the motivational factors that lead to violent radicalization, homegrown terrorism, and ideologically based violence is a vital step toward eradicating these threats in the United States.

..(6) The potential rise of self radicalized, unaffiliated terrorists domestically cannot be easily prevented through traditional Federal intelligence or law enforcement efforts, and requires the incorporation of State and local solutions.

..(7) Individuals prone to violent radicalization, homegrown terrorism, and ideologically based violence span all races, ethnicities, and religious beliefs, and individuals should not be targeted based solely on race, ethnicity, or religion.

..(8) Any measure taken to prevent violent radicalization, homegrown terrorism, and ideologically based violence and homegrown terrorism in the United States should not violate the constitutional rights, civil rights and civil liberties of United States citizens and lawful permanent residents.

..(9) Certain governments, including the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia have significant experience with homegrown terrorism and the United States can benefit from lessons learned by those nations.

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