
Arise and Shine

Labyrinth of the Psychonaut - Project Lucifer, The Silver Surfer, and The Second Sun

Jupiter and its moons prepare nuclear winters for Earth

Pravda Russia News

http://english. pravda. ru/science/mysteries/06-08-2008/106007-jupi...

Inexplicable phenomena take place on Jupiter, the largest planet of the solar system. The gas giant has been quiet for hundreds of years. However, two new red spots have been formed in its atmosphere over the recent three years.
Each spot is five or ten times bigger than the Earth

Mysterious phenomena take place on one of its largest moons, Europa, too.
Its ice-heavy poles shifted 90 degrees and changed their places with the equator in May of the current year

Jupiter is the only planet in the solar system which has the thermonuclear reaction happening in its depths. This process of the planet is similar to that of stars, although Jupiter produces a lot less energy as a result of the process. Needless to say that the solar system may suffer a tremendous explosion in the event something goes wrong inside its biggest planet.
The blast wave will reach Earth and destroy every living organism on it

The Jupiter disaster develops according to the scenario described in Arthur Clarke’s Space Odyssey epic.
In Clarke’s novels, Jupiter becomes a star as a result of a thermonuclear reaction, which triggers the development of life on its moon, Europa

In addition to that, St. Petersburg-based scientist Eduard Drobyshevsky said that the planet’s another giant moon, Callisto, may experience drastic changes too. The ice shell of the moon may explode, the scientist believes.
Gigantic pieces of the ice shell will fall down on Earth, exterminating all forms of life

Scientists say that massive ice shells of other moon-like natural satellites of giant planets (Saturn and Jupiter) have exploded before.
Many short-period comets were formed as a result of such explosions

“Imagine this. Our Moon is enveloped in ice, the thickness of which is 800 kilometers. This is what a typical massive natural satellite like Jupiter’s Callisto looks like. It is dirty ice, which conducts electric current because all of this moves in the magnetic field, in the magnetosphere of a giant planet. Ice is a very good conductor, especially if it is dirty.
Electrolysis of ice occurs as a result,” Drobyshevsky told RIA Novosti

Drobyshevsky said that one of such ice explosions took place about 10,000 years ago, when the ice shell of Saturn’s moon – Titan – exploded.
The explosion resulted in the creation of Titan’s atmosphere, Saturn’s ice rings and several short-period comets

Jupiter’s satellite, Callisto, has the oldest ice shell among all natural satellites of all planets of the solar system. The shell has not exploded before and can thus be saturated with hydrogen and oxygen – the products of ice electrolysis.
Consequences of their detonation can be fatal for planet Earth

“Callisto is a lot closer than Titan. The explosion of its shell will lead to nuclear winters on Earth.
It will be a horrible disaster for the biosphere,” Drobyshevsky said

NASA, Vatican's science work horse was supposed to end the Cassini probe Saturn tour THIS MONTH by detonating 72 lbs of Cassini's PLUTONIUM fuel and NUKE the gas planet to create a 2nd sun and ROAST us to death on Earth

They failed to kill us when NASA 'decommissioned' and plunged Galileo into Jupiter and Ulysses into the Sun last month, but I guess they got better depopulation plans and extended the tour for 2 more years, no option is off the table, YET - So enjoy life!


JPL Cassini Tour design - April 16, 2008
http://www. jpl. nasa. gov/news/news. cfm?release=2008-060

Rings, dunes and geysers: The best Cassini images

New Scientist
08 July 2008

http://space. newscientist. com/article/dn14276-rings-dunes-and-gey...

Cassini: Mission to Saturn – Learn more in our continually updated special report

This month, scientists involved with the Cassini spacecraft are celebrating four years in orbit around Saturn

The milestone marks the end of Cassini's "nominal" mission and the beginning of an extended mission during which Cassini will make follow-up observations of the features it has discovered since it began studying the Ringed Planet and its moons at close range in July 2004

Recently, Carolyn Porco, who leads the Cassini imaging team, took New Scientist on a tour of her favourite images from the past four years.
They include waves in the planet's famous rings, sand dunes and possible rain clouds on the surprisingly Earth-like moon Titan, and enigmatic geysers on the icy moon Enceladus Enjoy!

Alien signal transmitted from Saturn - 2007

NASA Extends Cassini's Grand Tour of Saturn


PASADENA, Calif. -- NASA is extending the international Cassini-Huygens mission by two years.
The historic spacecraft's stunning discoveries and images have revolutionized our knowledge of Saturn and its moons

Cassini's mission originally had been scheduled to end in July 2008. The newly-announced two-year extension will include 60 additional orbits of Saturn and more flybys of its exotic moons. These will include 26 flybys of Titan, seven of Enceladus, and one each of Dione, Rhea and Helene.
The extension also includes studies of Saturn's rings, its complex magnetosphere, and the planet itself

"This extension is not only exciting for the science community, but for the world to continue to share in unlocking Saturn's secrets," said Jim Green, director, Planetary Science Division, NASA Headquarters, Washington.
"New discoveries are the hallmarks of its success, along with the breathtaking images beamed back to Earth that are simply mesmerizing"

"The spacecraft is performing exceptionally well and the team is highly motivated, so we're excited at the prospect of another two years," said Bob Mitchell, Cassini program manager at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif

Read The Rest HERE

NASA's Ulysses solar mission

Ulysses solar probe plunges into the SUN July 1st 2008 - Associated...

Just before the death of Ulysses - SUNSPOTS DISAPPEARED - What Does...

Arthur C Clark’s ‘’2010 – The Year We Make Contact’’ – Jupiter the gas planet and ‘dwarf star’ explodes and transforms into a 2nd SUN – turning its icy moon EUROPA into a habitable planet

Jupiter moon 'could be a habitat for life'
Scotsman News UK
May 14 2008

http://news. scotsman. com/uk/Jupiter-moon-39could-be-a. 4085193. jp

SHIFTING poles on one of Jupiter's moons strongly suggest the presence of a global ice-covered ocean, it was revealed yesterday
The discovery of "wandering poles" on Europa provides further evidence of a liquid ocean beneath an icy crust

Many scientists believe the hidden ocean, warmed by tidal forces from Jupiter's powerful gravity, may provide a suitable habitat for life

Europa, slightly smaller than the Earth's moon, has a number of unexplained surface features pointing to a turbulent geological history

One example is two groups of broad troughs and depressions at diametrically opposite locations on Europa's surface

Images from three spacecraft, Voyager, Galileo and New Horizons, show several arc-shaped depressions extending more than 500 kilometres

Scientists writing in the journal Nature said these were just the sort of patterns that would be expected to result from stresses caused by wandering poles

Alien Speech Found in NASA's Saturn Radio Signal

Activity on Enceladus has been the big discovery on the Cassini mission

Cassini - Saturn Hexagon
Uploaded by popefucker..
Cassini - Saturn Hexagon in polar region

Cassini to make audacious flyby

11 March 2008

Such is the interest in Enceladus that Nasa has directed its Cassini spacecraft to pass just 50km from the Saturnian moon on Wednesday
The flyby will take the probe through the plumes of icy particles emanating from the enigmatic cracks at the south pole dubbed the "tiger stripes"

The cause of this activity has developed into the big scientific question of the flagship mission

The pass will allow Cassini instruments to directly sample the plume particles

This should help scientists address the tantalising issue of whether there is an ocean under Enceladus' icy crust

Trade off

However, commanding a probe more than a billion km from Earth to fly so close to this 500km-wide moon is no small feat

The Viking mission may have gone to within 20km of the Martian moon Phobos, but there is nothing in deep Solar System exploration history to compare with the pass being attempted by Cassini

And at one stage in the planning, Cassini was going to go even closer to the surface

Read The Rest HERE

Cassini to go through Saturn moon plumes

Associated Press
March 11, 2008
By ALICIA CHANG, AP Science Writer

LOS ANGELES - Three years after gigantic geysers were spied on an icy Saturn moon, the international Cassini spacecraft is poised to plunge through the fringes of the mysterious plumes to learn how they formed

Wednesday's flyby will bring Cassini within 30 miles of the surface of Enceladus (en-SELL'-uh-duhs) at closest approach The unmanned probe will be about 120 miles above the moon as it sweeps through the edge of the geysers and measures their chemical makeup

The carefully orchestrated event will take Cassini "deeper than we've been before," mission scientist Carolyn Porco of the Space Science Institute said in an e-mail

Scientists long believed Enceladus, the shiniest object in the solar system, was cold and still because it resides hundreds of millions of miles from the sun But recent evidence shows the Arizona-sized satellite is geologically active with a significant atmosphere and a relatively warm south pole

Read The Rest HERE

Cassini Spacecraft - NASA's probe carries 723 lbs of potentially dangerous plutonium 238, and possibly being planned to plunge into Saturn July 2008

Project Orion

Back in the mid-twentieth century, a bunch of NASA engineers had a dream -- a highly-classified dream -- about taking a nuclear-powered rocked to Saturn. They even went so far as to plan the entire device, create design specs and concept art (some of it pictured here), and name it "Project Orion." Now science historian George Dyson has unearthed a bunch of the recently re-classified papers related to Project Orion, which his father Freeman Dyson was involved in, and put them together into a short, entertaining presentation.
Essentially he's unearthed an alternate history of the space program that might have been if NASA hadn't canceled it Check out his entertaining story below

Carl Sagan on Project Orion to Mars, May 93

Mysterious hexagon spotted above Saturn

UK Daily Mail
28th March 2007

A mysterious giant hexagon lies above Saturn's north pole, captured by cameras on Nasa's Cassini Orbiter

Spanning 25,000km - equivalent to the width of two planet Earths - the bizarre geometric feature appears to remain virtually still in the atmosphere as clouds swirl around it

The infra-red images show the hexagon - which contains a smaller six-sided formation - extends about 60km down into the clouds

The hexagon is similar to Earth's polar vortex, which has winds blowing in a circular pattern around the polar region On Saturn, the vortex has a hexagonal shape

The six-sided shape is in stark contrast to the swirling, hurricane-like vortex at Saturn's opposite pole

The feature was first photographed more than 20 years ago by Nasa's Voyager 1 and 2 probes, but this is the first time the hexagon has been seen in one image

The latest pictures were taken at nighttime using infra-red because the pole is currently in darkness and the red colour indicates the amount of heat being generated from inside the planet

Kevin Baines of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, said: "This is a very strange feature, lying in a precise geometric fashion with six nearly equally straight sides

"We've never seen anything like this on any other planet Indeed, Saturn's thick atmosphere where circularly-shaped waves and convective cells dominate is perhaps the last place you'd expect to see such a six-sided geometric figure, yet there it is"


Project Lucifer, The Silver Surfer, and The Second Sun

Cassini Spacecraft

Environmental Health Specialist Jamie A. Keeley, of EG&G Florida Inc., uses an ion chamber dose rate meter to measure radiation levels in one of three radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs) that will provide electrical power to the Cassini spacecraft on its mission to explore the Saturnian system. The three RTGs and one spare are being tested and monitored in the Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator Storage Building in the KSC's Industrial Area. The RTGs use heat from the natural decay of plutonium to generate electric power. RTGs enable spacecraft to operate far from the Sun where solar power systems are not feasible. The RTGs on Cassini are of the same design as those flying on the already deployed Galileo and Ulysses spacecraft.
The Cassini mission is targeted for an Oct 6 launch aboard a Titan IVB/Centaur expendable launch vehicle

External radiation inspection of the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft's Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators


A paper titled "The Lucifer Project" has recently emerged which claims that NASA is very likely to deliberately direct the Cassini space probe into Saturn's dense atmosphere where it will destruct
This is to take place soon after the termination of Cassini's four year monitoring mission in June 2008 when Cassini is in a polar orbit of Saturn (see: http://www. rinf. com/news/nov05/lucifer-project. html ). The paper's author contends this will be a secret effort to use the Cassini's plutonium fuel rods as a fission device to generate a runaway nuclear fusion process on Saturn that would trigger the emergence of a new sun. The new sun would enable the moons of Saturn to be heated possibly making them suitable for colonization and other uses by humanity.
On the other hand, the creation of a new sun would generate a shock wave of hydrogen and other particles that could have devastating effects on Earth
In order to fully evaluate the radical views presented in "The Lucifer Project" it is best to begin with Richard Hoagland's analysis of the Galileo space probe's controlled descent into Jupiter's equatorial region in 2003 where it was destroyed in a similar manner to what is projected for Cassini (see: www. enterprisemission. com/NukingJupiter. html )

Hoagland argues that the appearance of a dark splotch a month after Galileo's descent on September 21, 2003 is circumstantial evidence for a far reaching theory proposed by a Dutch engineer, Jacco Van der Worp, that Galileo's plutonium power rods would implode due to the high pressures deep inside Jupiter's atmosphere.
The implosion would create a highly efficient fission bomb that could trigger a runaway fusion effect that would ignite Jupiter into a new sun
In his original article, Van der Worp predicted that the hydrogen particles accompanying the initial blast from an ignited Jupiter would cause a catastrophic series of events on Earth that might qualify as an extinction level event (see: http://yowusa. com/space/2003/space-2003-09a/1. shtml )

Hoagland's analysis of Van der Worp's thesis is quite thorough and he gives a good explanation for why it is feasible.
Hoagland dealt with many of the scientific criticisms against Van der Worp's thesis and found they did not rule out the scenario predicted by Van der Worp While the plutonium isotope (Pu-238) used to power the Galileo is not the same isotope used in making atomic bombs (Pu-239), the intense pressures in Jupiter's atmosphere and the spontaneous creation of (Pu-239) as Galileo used its Pu-238 over the 15 years since its launch in 1989, made it possible for a fission reaction to occur

Hoagland also describes a plausible reason for why there was a time lag between the descent of Galileo on September 21, 2003 and the initial observation of the blotchy dark spot on Jupiter on October 19, 2003 by the astronomer Olivier Meeckers (see: http://www. space. com/scienceastronomy/jupiter_dark_spot_031023. html ). Basically, after the destruction of most of the Galileo probe through burning up in the atmosphere, the high temperature resistant protective casing of the plutonium fuel rods would survive and continue to descend. Eventually, due to the thick atmosphere, the surviving plutonium rods would reach a terminal velocity of one mile per hour which would require close to a month for them to reach the critical depth upon which the atmospheric pressure would cause the plutonium rods to implode thereby generating a nuclear fission reaction.
If Van der Worp and Hoagland are correct, Galileo's plutonium rods created a powerful fission device whose detonation dwarfed the Hiroshima bomb thereby causing the dark splotch on Jupiter observed by astronomers Fortunately, the fission bomb did not cause a runaway nuclear fusion process that would have led to Jupiter becoming a new sun, and would have caused unimaginable catastrophic effects on Earth

Van der Worp considered the controlled descent of Galileo to be an unnecessary risk on the part of NASA and an independent scientific board that did not properly consider the potential effects of triggering a runaway fusion process on Jupiter
NASA's decision to dispose of Galileo by sending it to Jupiter was confirmed by an independent science board in 2002 (see: http://www. spaceref. com/news/viewpr. html?pid=2156 ) What Van der Worp did not consider was that a runaway nuclear fusion effect was in fact secretly planned by those ultimately responsible for the decision to direct Galileo into Jupiter

Such a possibility was briefly mentioned by Hoagland at the conclusion of his paper who referred to the scenario in Arthur C.
Clark's 2010 where Jupiter is ignited by a mysterious monolith into a new sun
The plan to create a new star in our solar system through artificial means has been termed the "Lucifer Project" since Clark called the new companion star Lucifer (see: http://www. cyberspaceorbit. com/text/000txt23x. htm ). The Lucifer Project was first publicly mentioned by William Cooper in his 1991 book, Behold a Pale Horse (p. 72). Cooper stated that at the end of its mission, the Galileo probe would be sent into a controlled descent into Jupiter whereby its plutonium fuel rods would implode to create a fission bomb that would trigger the emergence of a new sun, Lucifer. The new sun would warm up the nearby moons of Jupiter possibly making them habitable for space colonization.
Cooper claims he witnessed documentation for Project Lucifer back in the early 1970's when working on the intelligence briefing team for the Commander of the Pacific Fleet
What makes Cooper's 1991 claim astonishing is that at the time of its 1989 launch and subsequently, NASA was claiming that other options than a Jupiter hit were possible such as allowing Galileo fly off into deep space (see http://www. cyberspaceorbit. com/jupfullx. htm )

The circumstantial evidence pointed out by Hoagland suggests that the only destructive effect of the Galileo probe's descent was a large dark blotch the size of earth, perhaps the legacy of a failed effort to cause a runaway fusion process through a nuclear fission bomb The evidence gives credence to Cooper's 1991 prediction and suggests that the Lucifer Project was real though ultimately unsuccessfully implemented at the end of the Galileo mission

The recent paper mentioned earlier, "The Lucifer Project", discusses what appears to be either a new act of "unnecessary risk" taking on the part of NASA or a new attempt to implement the Lucifer Project. The anonymous author claims that NASA will target the Cassini probe into Saturn at the termination of its four year monitoring mission in June 2008. While NASA has not yet announced that it will destroy Cassini by sending it into Saturn, it is very highly likely that the same factors that led to Galileo being destroyed in Jupiter's atmosphere, will dictate that Cassini will be sent to Saturn for its eventual destruction.
These factors revolve around the potential contamination of life bearing moons such as Titan if the Cassini mission were prolonged and the spacecraft were to malfunction while orbiting the Saturnian system
In a highly significant paper that created a powerful precedent for the environmental risks to future habitable planets or moons, a National Research Council committee in 2000 recommended that all efforts must be made to avoid possible contamination to Europa or Io by the Galileo space probe (see: http://www. spaceref. com/news/viewnews. html?id=175 ) This precedent is very likely to be applied in a decision to avoid any future risk to Titan by sending Cassini into Saturn's dense atmosphere after completing its mission

Like the earlier Galileo probe, Cassini has plutonium fuel rods which upon implosion could create a powerful nuclear fission detonation on Saturn.
Due to the 72 lbs of plutonium on Cassini, 50% more than the 48lbs on Galileo, and the less dense atmospheric pressures on Saturn which has only 30% of Jupiter's mass, Saturn is a better host for a runaway nuclear fusion process than Jupiter according to the author of "The Lucifer Project" If Saturn were to be ignited, it would create a gigantic pulse of hydrogen and other particles as up to 10% of its mass was cast off, and would eventually reach the Earth with possibly catastrophic consequences

In conclusion, the potential for a runaway nuclear fusion process that would ignite Saturn as a new sun, Lucifer, appears to be a genuine concern. There is strong reason to believe that there was an attempt in 2003 to ignite Jupiter as the circumstantial evidence suggests. This attempt failed to do anything more than produce a dark spot over an area the size of the Earth than has been observed by astronomers. It may be that a new effort is underway using the Cassini mission as the cover for another attempt to implement the Project Lucifer. The author of "Project Lucifer" is alerting the public to such a possibility even though NASA has yet to announce its plans after Cassini completes its mission.
If Cassini is targeted towards Saturn, any resulting catastrophic series of events and the novelty of a new sun being created might produce the right political and social circumstances for a significant erosion of individual liberties
The imposition of draconian national security procedures to deal with unfolding events would dwarf in proportion previous false flag operations such as 911 which have witnessed an undesirable increase in the influence of national security organizations as a result of catastrophic events (see: http://exopolitics. org/Study-Paper-12. htm )

The general public is urged to familiarize themselves with the issues concerning the possible terraforming of Saturn's moons by an artificially contrived nuclear fusion process on Saturn itself. While there may be long term public benefit from terraforming Saturn's moons, such a policy needs to be publicly debated and not secretly implemented given the dangers involved. Furthermore, all information concerning Project Lucifer and the early unsuccessful effort to ignite Jupiter by the use of Galileo as a nuclear device needs to also be released to the public.
The potential for catastrophic events to occur on Earth as a result of a successful effort to ignite Saturn should not be lightly dismissed due to 10% of Saturn's mass possibly being ejected in an initial blast It is highly recommended that public pressure is applied on NASA officials not to approve the Cassini mission being deliberated targeted at Saturn for self-destruction, and that its mission is prolonged until a suitable way is found to safely dispose of the craft and its dangerous plutonium fuel

Michael E Salla, PhD
Kona, Hawaii
www. Exopolitics. Org

The Lucifer Project – A Detailed Look


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