
Arise and Shine

Just look at the map – Georgia is part of the Caspian Sea oil region shared by Iran and Russia and is key oil pipeline to Western Europe

Brzezinski training CIA puppet OSAMA BIN LADEN in Pakistan

..1997 - Zbigniew Brzezinski - The Grand Chessboard - American Primac... - Upload a Document to Scribd.... Read this document on Scribd: 1997 - Zbigniew Brzezinski - The Grand Chessboard - American Primac... ..

9-11 researcher CIA whistleblower Mike Ruppert on NWO Brzezinski's strategies - part 1

Mike Ruppert on NWO Brzezinski's strategies - part 2

Look at the timing, China is opening the Olympics, and now Georgia and Russia are going into war, US is sending Navy fleets to 'help' Georgia and surround Iran - What do you think is going on here?

The puppet master of Obama, and founder of the NWO FOREIGN THINK TANK TRILATERAL COMMISSION, CO FOUNDER OF COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, AND REGULAR SPEAKER AT THE BILDERBERG GROUP MEETINGS - ZIBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI's book 'The Grand Chessboard' says it all... this is all about creating diversion so US can go ahead and invade Central Asia, namely Iran and Russia's Caspian Sea region, There is no better timing than now, since both Russia and China and the SCO Shanghai Cooperation Organization anti-NATO alliance is backing Iran 100%, as IRAN IS NOT JUST A SCO OBSERVER NATION BUT A SECRET MEMBER

EU NATO US Zionist Imperialist Jesuit army wants to get this war started, so they can destroy both Russia and China at the end, World War III has secretly begun

Georgia is an unwilling victim as Bush and NATO had been pressuring Georgia into joining NATO, much like Czech Republic, Poland and the Baltic nations are pressured by US NATO to install the US nuclear missile defense shield that can be tipped with nuclear warheads, which is threatening Russia, in the name of 'defending' western Europe and Israel from Iran's long range missiles

This is a US NATO EU invasion, not Russia and China's offensive strategy, both nations have been on the defensive when the European imperialists are the ones who have been continuing to push the buttons - The think both Russia and China are now ECONOMIC and ENERGY THREATS, and they think they own TOO MUCH LAND and both Russia and China needs to be carved up so the can come in and control the oil pipelines and further control the energy mineral and agricultural rich regions of Central Asia

US sovereignty will not be safe, as China and Russia are making military alliances with Mexico, Venezuela, Cuba, and China controls ports around Panama Canal and owns NAU deep sea ports in Mexico, everyone should be on high alert as the situation is about to blow up

Civilians flee Georgian conflict
(02:26) Report
Aug 8 - Georgia and Russia are trading claims and blame for a fast-deteriorating situation in the pro-Russian breakaway region of South Ossetia,The Georgian leader Mikheil Saakashvili says Russia is fighting a war with his country, But the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin says Georgia has launched a full-scale military operation that's "sad and worrying"


This is not just about attacking Iran and US-Europe nuclear missile defense shields - This is about starting WORLD WAR III - Anglo Saxon USA Zionist Vatican's war to box in and destroy Russia and China, much like it is planned in Brzezinski's book 'The Grand Chessboard' (puppet prez Obama's war advisor , Bin Laden's mentor, and founder of Trilateral Commission), so expect the worst after the election

If you never heard of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), you better start researching and watch all their MASSIVE 6 plus nation joint military exercise videos, held annually ever since 9-11, because they knew from the get-go the false flag event in US was the CANNON FODDER to get World War III started

Lyndon LaRouche address in Washington, DC, on May 7th 2008 - The British Empire USA's plan for World War III against Russia China

Russia: Iran to remain SCO observer

(Eddie's note: Iran is a SECRET SCO member, vouched by China)

Iran Journal
Jul 26, 2008

http://www. iranian. ws/iran_news/publish/article_26153. shtml

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said that Iran will remain an observer member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. "Iran would not be able to get the status of an associate member of the SCO because the organization has no associate members but observer nations," Lavrov told reporters on Friday.
He made the statement after a meeting of the SCO foreign ministers in Dushanbe, Tajikistan

Founded in 2001, the SCO brings together China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan as members, while Mongolia, Pakistan, Iran and India have observer status

Lavrov added that the foreign ministers did not discuss expansion of the SCO, saying, "We agreed to take practical measures which would enable all observers to take part in the activities of the organization that affect their interests

The Russian foreign minister expressed hope that the SCO leaders would approve the proposal

Why IRAN MATTERS To Russia - Not to mention Georgia is right next to the oil rich CASPIAN SEA region, shared by both Iran and Russia

Russia’s Missile Threat to the western world? The US nuclear missile shields in Russia’s neighbors Czech Republic Poland can be tipped with NUCLEAR WARHEADS

"Shanghai Six" and the Collective Security Organization are to React to American Missile Defence Plans

Global Research, July 28, 2008
Voice of Russia
by Yelena Studneva

http://www. globalresearch. ca/index. php?context=va&aid=9688

Russia is member of the post-Soviet Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), which brings it together with Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Armenia

Together with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the CSTO is considering a joint response to American plans for missile defences in Eastern and Central Europe

Its executive head Nikolai Bordiuzha said this to the press after emerging from a Moscow conference of deputy CSTO foreign, defence and finance ministers and national security supremos: - The Organization sees the NATO defence infrastructure and American missile defences so close to its western borders as a serious threat to its vital security interests

Indeed, missile defences can be deployed aggressively, in a manner that calls on neighbours to mount a response. On cooperation with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, in missile defence and other matters, Mr Bordiuzha had this to say: - The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is a heavyweight in maintaining security in the Eurasian area. Naturally, the CSTO seeks close coordination with it, and has already achieved good results.
Under decisions at the Moscow conference, the Collective Security Treaty Organization is creating a joint Central Asian security force tasked with preventing unwanted spillovers from Afghanistan

SCO Shanghai Cooperation Organization 'Anti-Terror' Peace Mission Military Exercise 2007

Chinese President Hu Jintao (7th L) and the other top leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and leaders of some countries and international organizations pose for a group photo at the 7th meeting of the Council of the SCO Heads of State in Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyzstan, August 16, 2007

Let's see who's going to attack Iran

SCO states not to rule out opportunity to set up free area

05-20-2008 12:19:09

UZ Report

Member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) do not rule out an opportunity to create a regional free trade area, Kazinform reported quoting Kazakh Vice Foreign Minister Nurlan Yermekbayev

A round table meeting on the "SCO – modern model of regional cooperation", held on 19 May, noted that to date the SCO extended its activity ranging from security problems to trade and economic cooperation

"Last year commodity turnover between the SCO member states exceeded US$50 billion.
According to the forecasts, in the nearest time sales may hit US$70 billion," the Kazakh official said

"This fact testifies to huge potential of economic collaboration of the SCO countries in all spheres – agriculture, machine building, oil and gas sector and high technologies.
SCO successful economic development is one of the key terms to have Central Asian stability preserved," he added

The SCO groups China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan

Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister Mohsen Talaei

Iran seeks quick SCO membership
Fri, 11 Apr 2008 10:02:58

http://www. presstv. ir/detail. aspx?id=51167&sectionid=351020101

Iran calls for a shorter application process in order to become a permanent member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)

Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister for Economic Affairs, Mohsen Talaei, told IRNA in an interview published Friday that Iran's permanent membership to the SCO would be advantageous to all members

Iran's former ambassador to Japan advised that SCO members not to consider political issues in the process

Talaei said that the US is employing strategies to prevent Iran's influence in the region including its membership in SCO, as it perceives the Islamic Republic to be a danger to its interests

Iran is now an observer in the six-nation SCO comprised of Russia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and China

Talaei is currently in China to participate in the 2008 Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) Annual Conference held between April 11 and 13 in the scenic seaside town of Boao in Hainan province

The SCO Military Alliance - Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Blue - SCO alliance member nations Green - Observer nations

China welcomes Iran's wish to become full member of Shanghai group

Associated Press
Mar 25, 2008

BEIJING, March 25 (AP) - (Kyodo)—China welcomes Iran's wish to become a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which groups China, Russia and Central Asian nations, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said Tuesday

But Tehran's wish to be upgraded from observer status still requires discussion by the group, Qin Gang said at a regular press conference

The organization is considered by some in the region as a counterbalance to influence from the United States

Iran has participated in SCO meetings in the past as an observer

The Central Asian nations in the grouping are the former Soviet states of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan

Iran wants seat at regional security table

UPI News
March 24, 2008

http://www. upi. com/NewsTrack/Top_News/2008/03/24/iran_wants_seat_...

TEHRAN, March 24 (UPI) -- Iran formally launched a bid Monday to join a central Asian security organization following a long tenure in an observer role, an Iranian minister said

Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs Manouchehr Mottaki said Monday that Iran wants a permanent seat on the six-country Shanghai Cooperation Organization which serves as a regional balance to US and NATO influence in the region, RIA Novosti said

Chinese and Russia officials balked at Iran's entrance into the SCO because of its confrontation with Western powers over its nuclear program but the countries also see Iran as a key trading partner in the oil and gas sector, RIA Novoski reported

Though the SCO postponed new membership, it has supported stronger ties with its four observer states, including Iran

SCO Russia China Central Asia joint exercise Aug 2007 in Russia

SCO Russia China joint exercise Aug 2007 - slideshow

Russia China 2006 SCO 'Peace Mission' Joint Military Exercise

SCO China Russia Alliance warning - CNN

SCO Peace Mission excercise - Aug 2007

Footage from the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Peace Mission 'Anti-Terror' Excercise 2006

China's Sinopec, Iran Ink Yadavaran Deal - Assistant to the President of SINOPEC Group, Zhou Baixiu (2nd L), and Iran's Deputy Oil Minister in charge of International affairs, Hossein Noghrehkar Shirazi (4th L), exchange the agreement protocols during an official ceremony in Tehran December 9, 2007


Iran wants full SCO membership

RIA Novosti Russia News Agency
26/ 03/ 2008

MOSCOW (RIA Novosti political commentator Pyotr Goncharov) - Iran is no longer satisfied with its observer status in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)

It hopes that becoming a full member will help it avoid international isolation

On March 24 in Tajikistan, Iranian Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottaki said that Iran had submitted an official request for full membership to the SCO Secretariat According to the minister, Tajikistan supports Iran's request

The SCO is an intergovernmental security organization founded in 2001. Russia, Tajikistan, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan are full members and Iran, India, Pakistan and Mongolia have observer status.
Proceeding from economic activity and feasibility, Iran has enough reasons to become a full member of the organization It is one of the key economic players in Greater Central Asia, the organization's zone of operation, where the United States is trying to strengthen its position to Moscow's displeasure

Read The Rest HERE

Deputy Ambassador of France, Jean Pierre Lacroix, center, accompanied by German Ambassador Thomas Matussek, left, and British Ambassador John Sawers, right, addresses members of the media after Security Council voted to increase sanctions against Iran at UN headquarters Monday

Russia, China block UN resolution on Iran

They're reportedly unhappy about not being informed of resolution sooner

Associated Press
March 4, 2008

http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/23463529/

VIENNA, Austria - Russia and China on Tuesday scuttled a Western attempt to introduce a resolution on Iran's nuclear defiance at a meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency, diplomats said

The decision appeared to be the result of lingering unhappiness by the two world powers about not being informed earlier of plans for such a resolution

It came a day after the U.
N Security Council imposed another round of sanctions on Iran for refusing to suspend uranium enrichment Iran defiantly vowed to continue its nuclear program, which it insists is aimed only at generating power

Moscow on Monday had threatened not to back the new UN sanctions against Iran unless the West gave up its IAEA resolution plans

Then on Tuesday it signaled that it was ready to back such a document if it was given substantial input in drafting it before deciding later in the day that it was against it after all, said the diplomats, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the information was confidential

Asked why Russia and China were opposed, one of diplomats said Moscow decided to withdraw its support "on principle" and Beijing, which often takes a cue from Russia on the Iran nuclear dispute, followed suit

Read The Rest HERE

CIA chief says China's rapid military buildup troubling

AFP News
April 30, 2008

CIA chief Michael Hayden charged Wednesday that China was beefing up its military with "remarkable speed and scope," calling the buildup "troubling"

The Chinese, he said, had fully absorbed the lessons of both Gulf wars, developing and integrating advanced weaponry into a modern military force

Hayden said while Beijing's new capabilities could pose a risk to US forces and interests in the region, the military modernization was as much about projecting strength as anything else

"After two centuries of perceived Western hegemony, China is determined to flex its muscle," he said in a speech at Kansas State University.
"It sees an advanced military force as an essential element of great power status"

But it is the intelligence community's view that any Chinese regime, even a democratic one, will have similar national goals, said Hayden, once the highest-ranking military intelligence officer in the armed forces

"Don't misunderstand.
The military buildup is troubling because it reinforces long-held concerns about Chinese intentions towards Taiwan," he said

Read The Rest HERE

Chinese PLA Military parade 2006 with SCO alliance Russia joint exercise footage

CNN China Red Storm rising - China's incredible military buildup (June 13, 2007)

China President Hu Jintao: "Taiwan independence" activities doomed to fail (Mar 2008)

BBC Interview with Sha Zu Kang, Chinese Ambassdor to UN - China at war over Taiwan (US has a treaty to help defend the island nation from a massive Chinese invasion)

Washington to keep supplying arms to Taiwan: US envoy

AFP News - Raw Story
Tuesday April 29, 2008

http://rawstory. com/news/afp/Washington_to_keep_supplying_arms_t_0...

What are the aircraft career battle groups for?

The China Post
April 22, 2008

http://www. chinapost. com. tw/editorial/taiwan%20issues/2008/04/22...

Three U.S.
aircraft carrier battle groups are patrolling waters off southeast Taiwan The task forces with the Kitty Hawk, Nimitz and Lincoln in the lead are believed to continue the patrol until May 20 Of course, it's rather unusual But what for?

Taiwan was very grateful for the two similar battle groups President Bill Clinton sent to its waters in 1996

Lee Teng-hui was the first president of the Republic of China to visit the United States in June 1995 He visited his alma mater Cornell University to deliver an Olin lecture on Taiwan's experience in democracy That visit so antagonized Beijing that his re-election in the subsequent year was considered an anathema to its supreme cause of Chinese reunification

Thereupon, the People's Liberation Army started test-firing surface-to-surface missiles in waters close to major ports in north and south Taiwan on March 8, 1996. The missile tests, which lasted eight days, were the first of a series of war games to intimidate the electorate in Taiwan ready to vote over their first head of state less than three weeks away. On March 12, a nine-day maneuver, involving naval warships and air squadrons, got under way in an area of the Taiwan Strait only 70 kilometers from the Pescadores or Penghu. Six days later, on March 18, the Chinese began another eight-day exercise off the coast of mainland China. These war games involved ground, air, and naval forces in a simulated amphibious operation against Taiwan.
President Clinton, concerned about the military threat to Taiwan, sent the two naval task forces to the waters near Taiwan to show American support It was not exactly a military confrontation between the United States and the People's Republic of China, but Beijing under Jiang Zeming's rule backed off The presidential election was held as scheduled, and Lee won, garnering 54 percent of the vote

There isn't any such emergency across the Taiwan Strait. Ma Ying-jeou of the Kuomintang was elected president on March 22. In the lead-up to the election, the People's Liberation Army did not test-fire any cruise missiles, lobbing them across Taiwan into the Pacific Ocean. Nor were any military exercises held.
In fact, Beijing took caution not to make mention of anything that might be construed as an intimidation to the people of Taiwan Chinese President Hu Jintao tried what he could to avoid being another Jiang Zemin Jiang, Hu's predecessor and mentor, helped Lee outpoll his rivals overwhelmingly in 1996 by trying to intimidate the voters in Taiwan

Recent US-Taiwan nuclear missile part fiasco

In this 2005 file photo, a Standard Missile Three (SM-3) is launched from Aegis cruiser USS Lake Erie

US mistakenly ships missile parts to Taiwan

Officials say the shipment of non-nuclear electrical fuses was a Department of Defense process error and that the components have since been returned

Los Angeles Times
By Ben DuBose
March 25, 2008

(watch Pentagon news conference at this link)

http://www. latimes. com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-missiles26ma...

WASHINGTON -- US officials said today that non-nuclear parts for an intercontinental ballistic missile were mistakenly shipped to Taiwan in 2006 and that an investigation had been started

Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne said at a Pentagon news conference that the items sent to Taiwan were four electrical fuses for nose cone assemblies for ICBMs.
Wynne said the fuses have been returned and are at a US base

"It could not be construed as being nuclear material," Wynne said "It is a component for the fuse in the nose cone for a nuclear system We are all taking this very seriously"

The government of China views Taiwan as a part of China and strongly opposes US arms sales to Taiwan, making the matter particularly sensitive

According to Wynne, the fuses were shipped between Air Force bases in 2005 before they were mistakenly sent to Taiwan the following year

Officials in Taiwan notified the US government of the error

"Preliminary information indicates that a shipment took place in response to a Foreign Military Sales Order from Taiwan for helicopter batteries," Wynne said "The Defense Logistics Agency mistakenly shipped these items instead of the requested batteries"

Ryan Henry, the second-ranking policy official in the office of Defense Secretary Robert M Gates, said both Gates and President Bush were told about the incident on Friday

At the news conference, Wynne reiterated that the incident was merely a process error and was not indicative of a shift in policy

"In an organization as large as the DOD, the largest and most complex in the world, there will be mistakes," he said "But they cannot be tolerated in the arena of strategic systems, whether they are nuclear or only associated equipment Our policy on Taiwan arms sales has not changed"

Chinese military officials urge combat readiness

AFP News
Saturday, March 8, 2008

http://www. chinapost. com. tw/taiwan/2008/03/08/146124/Chinese-mil...


BEIJING -- Chinese military officials have urged combat readiness in efforts to reunify Taiwan, just days after the government announced a 176 percent rise in defense spending, state press said Friday

"Preparations for military struggle shall be continued, which is now the most important, practical and imperative task," Xinhua news agency quoted Jing Zhiyuan, a People's Liberation Army (PLA) artillery commander, as saying

Jing "urged armed forces to provide solid military backup for the nation's realization of peaceful reunification" with Taiwan, it said

Jing commands China's Second Artillery Force, which, according to Taiwan defense officials, has deployed more than 1,000 ballistic missiles facing the island

He was speaking while in Beijing as a delegate to the annual parliamentary session that began on Wednesday

Chang Wanquan, head of the PLA General Armaments Department, also urged development of high tech weapons and equipment to boost the army's combat readiness, the report said

China announced on Tuesday its defense spending would jump 17.
6 percent to 4178 billion yuan (about US$572 billion) this year but insisted the rise was moderate

China views Taiwan as a rebel province awaiting reunification, by force if necessary The two sides split at the end of a civil war and the issue is regarded as one of Asia's most dangerous potential flashpoints

Not So Fast, Navy Carriers

Wired. com
By David Axe March 06, 2008

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, left, and Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, looking at a serviceman holding a grenade launcher at a military academy in the city of Kostroma, northeast of Moscow, Thursday (Vladimir Rodionov / The Associated Press)

Medvedev tours Russian missile base

The Associated Press
May 15, 2008

http://www. iht. com/articles/2008/05/15/europe/russia. php

Russia 'expels US embassy staff' – BBC May 8, 2008

Russia Army chief Yury Baluyevsky: Russia may use nuclear weapons i...

March of the titans: Topol-M intercontinental ballistic missiles roll through the square

Military parade on Red Square - full version (67 min)

Dmitri Medvedev sworn in - May 7, 2008 (57 min)

Kremlin's blast from the past: Awesome display of military power in Red Square for Russia's new leader

Daily Mail UK
9th May 2008

http://www. dailymail. co. uk/pages/live/articles/news/worldnews. h...

Master and his pupil: Putin, centre, and Medvedev, right

Aerial threat: Warplanes swoop above Kremlin churches

The armoured fist: Msta self-propelled howitzers in front of the State Historical Museum

Military muscle: Tanks and armoured vehicles drive down Moscow's Tverskaya Street today

A man in military uniform waves a Soviet flag as tanks pass during the Red Square parade

Some of the 8,000 Russian soldiers on parade today goose-step across Red Square

Planes zip past the ornate turrets of the Kremlin

Superpower: Jets fill the skies

Muscovites perch on barriers and climb lampposts to watch the parade

Flashback: Tanks roll through Red Square years ago

Loud and clear: Sailors from the Russian navy join in today's military demonstration

War On The Brink Against USA and NATO

Putin warns US against military action on Iran October 17, 2007

Russia shot down Georgia NATO drone - April 21, 2008

Putin - NATO expansion a 'direct threat to Russia'

US missile shields in Poland Czech republic, Ukraine Georgia pose SERIOUS nuclear risk as the interceptors can be tipped with NUCLEAR WARHEADS

Russia T-160 White Swan 'Black Jack' long range bomber

Russia Today - Bomber 'Flight plans' could spark new Cuban missile crisis - July 23, 2008 - An unidentified source in the Russian military says Moscow could be ready to resume strategic bomber flights over the Caribbean.
It's claimed the long-range aircraft could refuel at a Cuban aerodrome, The US military has hinted that such a step would cross its 'red line' of defence

Fox News - Russia could base nuclear bombers in Cuba July 23, 2008

Russia could place bombers in Latin America, North Africa

RIA Novosti
24/ 07/ 2008

http://en. rian. ru/russia/20080724/114821813. html

MOSCOW, July 24 (RIA Novosti) - Russian strategic bombers may soon be deployed at airbases in Cuba, Venezuela and Algeria as a response to the US missile shield in Europe and NATO's expansion, Russian daily Izvestia said on Thursday

Moscow has strongly opposed the possible deployment by the US of 10 interceptor missiles in Poland and an accompanying tracking radar in the Czech Republic as a threat to its national security.
Washington says the defenses are needed to deter a possible strike from Iran, or other "rogue" states

Moscow has also expressed concern over NATO's expansion to Russia's borders and pledged to take "appropriate measures" to counter the US and NATO moves

Izvestia cited sources in the Russian Defense Ministry as saying that crews of Tu-160 Blackjack and Tu-95MS Bear strategic bombers recently visited Cuba and conducted an inspection of a site and facilities for a possible forward landing airfield that could be used as a refueling stopover for Russian strategic bombers

Russia resumed strategic bomber patrol flights over the Pacific, Atlantic, and Arctic oceans last August, following an order signed by former president Vladimir Putin

At present the Russian military is considering the possibility of establishing so-called "jump-up" bases in various regions of the world to provide refueling and maintenance support for the patrolling bombers

"The flight to the US [from southern Russia where the bombers are based] takes about 10 hours and even with two mid-air refuellings the aircraft can spend only 1.5 hours near the US coast," said Gen.
of the Army Pyotr Deinekin, former commander of the Russian Air Force

The use of forward landing airfields in Latin America would practically erase the time constraints for the Russian bombers and make their presence near the US borders almost permanent, the general said

If a political decision is made, Cuba will most likely host Russian Il-78 aerial tankers, which will provide nuclear-capable strategic bombers with mid-air refueling, sources in the Defense Ministry told Izvestia

Both Tu-160 and Tu-95MS bombers have been recently modernized and fitted with new X-555 cruise missiles with a range of over 3,500 km (2,200 miles).
Therefore, the bombers do not have to be permanently based near the US borders to hit any target on US territory in case of a potential conflict (Image Gallery)

In the meantime, the bombers may be primarily used to spy on the United States using electronic means, much like the former Russian SIGINT station at Lourdes near Havana, which was closed in 2002

However, another Russian publication, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, said on Thursday that the ambitious plans of Russian politicians and some military commanders may be nothing more than "saber-rattling in empty air"

The prospect of maintaining refueling posts for Russian bombers all over the world would require an enormous amount of investment in construction of infrastructure, fuel supplies and re-supplies

The Russian defense budget simply does not have sufficient resources to ensure the implementation of these plans, the newspaper said

Russian bombers with nuclear missiles on board policing the globe would only harm Russia's image in the international arena, and it is unlikely that their presence near the US borders will scare the Americans

The US military consider long-range bombers an obsolete and highly vulnerable component of the nuclear triad.
The Pentagon stopped strategic bomber patrols almost two decades ago

Views: 3

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