
Arise and Shine

Enough warnings already, dont you think? With Bush going on TV criticizing China's human rights records, blasting Russia for its actions against Georgia, flooding Persian Gulf with the massive Navy fleets, you tell me, does it look like NOTHING will happen on US soil?

DHS preps for attack during transition

Federal Times
August 10, 2008

http://federaltimes. com/index. php?S=3666514

At a federal installation in Georgia three months ago, more than 100 senior career employees from across the Homeland Security Department assembled for an exercise in which they oversaw a simulated government response to a large flood in the Midwest

The goal was to prepare career managers for what could be the biggest test they would ever face: responding to a large-scale disaster — such as a terrorist attack or natural calamity — during the presidential transition, a time when political leadership is lacking

Top career officials at DHS’ Federal Emergency Management Agency, Customs and Border Protection, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Coast Guard and other agencies are learning not only how to run their own agencies during crisis, but also how to coordinate their responses with one another, Elaine Duke, the department’s undersecretary for management, said in an interview

Several more training sessions — tabletop simulations and field exercises — are planned for the coming months, she said

“A lot of acts of terror take place in times of political change, and there’s an awareness of that,” Duke said, stressing that DHS has no specific intelligence about any imminent threats.
“So we’re looking at — when our political employees leave — who acts in their place … in case of an incident”
Typically, agencies’ political leaders would handle high-level coordination: sharing intelligence, planning joint operations and working with other executive agencies

After a hijacking, for example, Transportation Security Administration leaders would need to reach out to the Federal Aviation Administration and the Defense Department; the resulting investigation could also bring in the Justice Department and immigration agencies.
A terrorist attack might require coordination with the Pentagon, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and its parent agency, the Health and Human Services Department

And a natural disaster would put FEMA at the center of a web of federal, state and local agencies.
Officials would have to coordinate rescue and relief operations, medical care and communications

To ensure effective leadership during the transition, the outgoing political appointees are being backed up by specific career executives, who will take their places after the Bush administration leaves.
At TSA, for example, Deputy Administrator Gale Rossides will step in for Administrator Kip Hawley until a new political leader is in place; and at FEMA, Nancy Ward, the administrator for the agency’s Region IX, will take the reins when Administrator David Paulison steps down

Many of these career officials were on hand at the May training exercise at DHS’ Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Glynco, Ga. The exercise’s purpose, according to Duke, was twofold: First, it taught the career executives strategies for managing a national event, an important step for a department that has been criticized for an overreliance on political leadership.
But it also reinforced their relationships with one another, a valuable outcome not just during the transition, but for years to come
“I think it makes sense,” said Clark Kent Ervin, a homeland security scholar at the Aspen Institute. “I applaud the effort.
… DHS needs a cadre of cross-trained professionals”

Duke stressed that DHS doesn’t have a large number of political appointees: The department has about 200 political appointees — 83 of whom are considered “key executives” — in a work force of more than 200,000
The department has taken other steps to increase the role of career officials in its management.
Earlier this year, DHS added a career deputy at TSA, and a career deputy to the department’s offices of management and science and technology

Another reorganization?

Duke’s office is also preparing briefing materials for the next administration. They include a list of requirements for the first 30, 60 and 90 days of the new presidency. In February, for example, the department must certify to Congress that 50 percent of air cargo is being screened for explosives.
The program is under TSA’s jurisdiction, but department headquarters is providing oversight and tracking its progress

One question the next administration will need to address is whether to reorganize the department. The department has struggled since it was formed in 2003 to coordinate the work of dozens of agencies under its jurisdiction, and many lawmakers have urged more changes.
Among them are pulling FEMA out of DHS, elevating the department’s cybersecurity operation, and relocating the Federal Protective Service, which is now part of ICE
Meanwhile, some experts say the department, after an initial rocky start, is finally starting to get its operation right, and they caution against a quick reorganization under the next administration

“There have been a lot of efforts to rethink the organizational structure,” Ervin said. “But I would caution against doing any reorganizing anytime soon.
… The last thing this department needs is a big change”

Duke agreed that the department has made progress in running itself since it was formed. ”One of our biggest strides is defining the difference between headquarters and the components,” Duke said.
“We needed to differentiate

… It’s evolved to where the components execute with department oversight”
Ervin suggested the department hold another training exercise this winter, after the election, involving both the outgoing and incoming administrations.
That would be an opportunity for the Bush administration’s officials to mentor the new appointees, Ervin said

Although she is a political appointee herself, but Duke may still have a job next year. The undersecretary of management is allowed to stay on board — with the incoming administration’s consent — until a new undersecretary is confirmed, which could take up to a year.
Duke confirmed that she would be willing to stay in her position

New response teams for chem, nuke attacks

Guard, active duty from all branches could be tapped

Air Force Times
By Seamus O’Connor - Staff writer
Posted : Sunday Jun 1, 2008 9:09:14 EDT

Northern Command will stand up new units to respond to chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive — CBRNE — attacks

Currently, if such an attack proved more than local emergency crews could handle, governors could call in National Guard Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Teams

Read The Rest HERE

CIA Agent Chasing Israeli "Suitcase Nuke" in Houston, Killed by Pol...

Top 3 False Flag 'Terror' Event Prospect US Cities - Houston, Chica...

US terror attack seen apt to follow '08 vote

Washington Times
By Rowan Scarborough
May 25, 2008

http://washingtontimes. com/apps/pbcs. dll/article?AID=/20080525/FO...

Nuclear attack on DC a hypothetical disaster

Washington Times
By Gary Emerling
April 16, 2008

A nuclear device detonated near the White House would kill roughly 100,000 people and flatten downtown federal buildings, while the radioactive plume from the explosion would likely spread toward the Capitol and into Southeast DC, contaminating thousands more

The blast from the 10-kiloton bomb — similar to the bomb dropped over Hiroshima during World War II — would kill up to one in 10 tourists visiting the Washington Monument and send shards of glass flying the length of the National Mall, in a scenario that has become increasingly likely to occur in a major US city in recent years, panel members told a Senate committee yesterday

"It's inevitable," said Cham E Dallas, director of the Institute for Health Management and Mass Destruction Defense at the University of Georgia, who has charted the potential explosion's effect in the District and testified before a hearing of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs "I think it's wistful to think that it won't happen by 20 years"

The Senate committee has convened a series of hearings to examine the threat and effects of a terrorist nuclear attack on a US city, as well as the needed response

Yesterday's panel stressed the importance of state and local cooperation with federal authorities in the wake of an attack, assistance from the private business sector to aid recovery and the dire need to boost the capabilities of area hospitals

Read The Rest HERE

Why are politicians and news media making recent ominous statements about US cities getting nuked? What do the Zionist NeoCon network know that we don't? Are thermal nuclear weapons ALREADY placed in major US cities, unbeknownst to the oblivious public, who continue to live their daily lives, ignoring the mounting evidence that 9-11 was an INSIDE JOB?

Somebody should REALLY investigate the murder case of CIA agent Roland Carnaby, who was shot dead by Houston Police Department while was allegedly chasing MOSSAD ISRAELI SUITCASE NUCLEAR WEAPON

Gingrich: Supreme Court decision ‘could cost us a city’

By David Edwards and Andrew McLemore
15 June 2008

http://rawstory. com/news08/2008/06/15/gingrich-supreme-court-decis...

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich said that the Supreme Court decision to allow enemy combatants to challenge their detention could lead to the nuclear destruction of a US city

The decision marked the third time that the Supreme Court has ruled against the Bush administration’s handling of the Guantanamo prisoners, The New York Times reported Friday

Gingrich referenced a Sunday morning story about a smuggling ring that obtained a design for a nuclear weapon as evidence that local judges should have no say over matters of national security

“To turn over to a local district judge decisions of national security and life and death that should be made by the president and congress is the most extraordinarily arrogant and destructive decision the Supreme Court has made in its history,” Gingrich said

When asked if the McCain campaign’s argument about Obama’s inexperience would work, Gingrich said that it wouldn’t because Obama is too smart and well-prepared to come off “looking like some guy who’s dopey”

Yet Gingrich still criticized Obama for his support of the Supreme Court’s decision to grant habeus corpus rights of Guantanamo prisoners - a decision he called “worse than Dred Scott”

“The problem with Obama is he’s wrong,” Gingrich said “He applauded this court decision This court decision is a disaster which could cost us a city,” Gingrich said

This video is from CBS’s Face the Nation, broadcast June 15, 2008

Computer image shows Washington DC devastated by al-Qa'eda nuclear .......

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