
Arise and Shine

I have spoke to him He goes to the court every day to get his family back together.
Pray for Gregg and Melissa

Greg Pound Video on

Greg and Melissa Pound have had their four children taken away by DCF for over two years because one child was bitten by a dog. Greg spent a month in the county jail for refusing to tell Judge Marion Fleming where his wife is living with their new baby (named Moses), as Judge Fleming and DCF want to take that child away too. Greg can only see one of his children for one hour a week, and they now have cavities and health problems. Greg's story was reported by the St Petersburg Times article: "Tampabay Missing mom may have feared losing son" - April 24th, 2006.
The DCF Investigator that handled Greg's case is Megan Gallagher, who has been arrested for falsifying cases of c....
Greg notes that the St. Pete Times reported that the Del La Cruz children were raped in foster homes run by DCF. Also, parents are required by State of Florida to teach sexual deviations to their children as part of their case plan, which is against the Christian religion. Many scandals are going on in DCF, but why are they lying about the parents to take away their children? It is all about money from federal grants that DCF receives for abducting children at a rate that is 35% higher than the national average.

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Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD:
and the fruit of the womb is his reward.
Psalms 127:3

You can contact us in Largo Florida, by calling (727) 319-3705

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