
Arise and Shine

This is from Susan::enjoy your journey

You Must Seek Me Even More

You must seek Me you must come to Me, even more
Though the enemy would come in your life, and roar
Though the tests and the trials would rock your floor
Even so, stand up, move forth, and go through the door

Come further in, Come into your place, and sit with Me
Do not regard the distracting things that go on daily around thee
Do not take heed to the many voices that speak continually
Things are not as they seem, but are blinding many from drawing near to Me

You must seek My Face, for you have My Overcoming Grace
It must be a priority, not just a quick relief from the pace
Time is rapidly increasing, with the shaking of the lands and the human race
But who will seek Me sincerely, and not to just save face?

Shut yourselves in with Me, for it is time that you do clearly see
What flies upon the horizon, and that which comes from underneath, will be
Much iniquity runs unchecked and will be addressed as I turn the pages, you will see
Seek Me now, for the great battle will surely rage, but you have the keys to the mystery

Pressures, trials, hardships, divisions, and increasing distractions galore
Test the hearts of those who think they feast and dine, only to be found wanting more
Those who stand firmly rooted in Me, will not be undermined, but will settle the score
For out of their mouths and their bellies will My Spirit rise up and roar!

Seek My Face, the Spirit crieth out continually to the human race
Few turn aside to see, who it is that crieth out, so the scales of justice will confront them to their face
The leveling of the fields has only begun to shatter the bands, yet so many run in haste
Instead of learning from Me what to do, and how to walk in the unfolding days

Tempers flare, unchecked hatred lashes out, even more lies are now released, to bind men’s feet
The separation increases within My House, clarifying the true, and synchronizing the heart beat
Many have forsaken gathering in My Name, and are judging their brothers, so they will lose their seat
The religious games men play will now be forsaken, for I am radically reawakening My Fiery Heat

The world and its enticements will not continue to hold captive, nor influence Mine any more
I am the only desire of My true Bride, and she will finally get up, and shut that defiling door
Prayer will rise up from within My House, flaming and blazing, will it break the powers of the four
That rule in the heavens over My cities and lands, the Angels loosed by the prayers, will restore

The Hour is now here, for the path ahead of you to be made truly clear
Forsake everything and get quiet, and choose to be obedient, and to draw near
Open your ears to hear, and your eyes to see, for the darkness will overtake those in the rear
There can be no delay, nor will excuses be accepted, or you be over taken in the smothering fear

Your strength will be as nothing, your human wisdom will fail, if you are not standing in Me this year
My Glory is laying bare and bringing to waste, everything the darkness will seek to hasten through the insincere
Do not think you can tell who is true and who is false, apart from MY Spirit that wields My Spear
My Sword is already flying, and the righteous who are wise, will now draw near

-Susan Cummings


Meditate on this truth until you fully believe and see it.

Have a prosperous week!

MAZEL TOV from James & Terry

Shalom upon your home

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