
Arise and Shine

http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=HhHSjul4jQU

Pt 1 of 10










[Aristocutionor Comment]
As you may know, I was in the forefront of the Sovereignty "Resolutions" and started with talking about the States' right to secede - the USA, CORP being in breach of contract with the terms of statehood..

I have been in the forefront of States' Rights for over 30 years (Sagebrush Rebellion) and never thought I'd live to see the day that the States woke up to the reality of a Federalist coup in progress.. I am please to see a positive step toward remaining sovereign nation states that are in union..

It took a while for the reality to sink in, but it did, and is sinking into more States and will soon, of economic necessity, be forced to choose sovereignty, for their own survival, and that of its Counties..

That's where the Sheriff comes in, and where the criminal coup of the banksters to pull of Federalism (turns the order of government upside-down)..

The Sheriff is a non-political elected office.. The Sheriff is the representative of the people that elected him/her.. I would like to see a serious effort put forth to encourage existing Sheriffs to consider that, in fact, no federal "law" has jurisdiction in any County..

I would like to see the Sheriffs put up a website with all the "laws" that the State wishes the County to abide by, and all the "laws" that the Feds wish the County to abide by; and let the residents of the County vote on which ones they want the Sheriff to enforce.. Only resident, registered voters, can vote (no party affiliation) (requires 2/3 majority vote, and total votes must be 2/3 of the registered voters; otherwise the "law" is not enforced..

Point is, the Office of Sheriff brings the issues down to the local level where it is suppose to be, with We the People..

I don't pretend to be some kind of a strategist, but, I can tell you of a certainty that this Federalist coup can and must come to a stop.. The County Sheriff is and has the specific power to do just that.. And, with my advocacy for the laws to be enforced are voted on, the organic common law "Constitution for the united states of America" is what is properly governing according to the proper Order of Government - government according to the Constitution..

Michael Bradnarik (teaches the Constitution) is considering running for Sheriff in a County in Texas.. I think there should be a grass roots effort to either, be assured that the Sheriff is fulfilling the role and Oath as the Citizens' representative, or elect one that will.. Again, the vote-on-the-laws deal keeps everything above board, and remains the will of the people as they are the sovereigns, and that by God, is the way it's suppose to be in the united states of America..

So, any help in the States' Rights (sovereignty) and County Rights(supreme right over which "laws" are enforced) is much appreciated.. My other area of endeavor is corporations.. They should not have the rights and privileges of living humans, and they should in accordance with the law, have a life-span of not more than n# of years.. I have suggest 50, and 80.. (that's another topic - economics)..

In the realm of The Rule of Law, the County is the line in the sand.. This can be done.. It must be done.. Counties are small enough demographically, and the local media must by license report local news, and if people vote (on-line) for which "laws" are enforced, the issues remain in the control of the Sovereign Individuals.. That's why there are Counties..

Thanks to every one for all your efforts - we're all trying to make a positive difference and it's good to see people finally settling down to do just that.. The best part about the Office of Sheriff is that it non-political.. Either a "law" is enforced or it isn't - the will of We the People is what is enforced..


Views: 6

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