
Arise and Shine

It is a time for a new emergence of Biblical truth.
However we must first purge that which was handed down from ROME, who once ruled with a sword and still now rules with it's pagan infiltrated dogma.

When...We who are called by YAHweh,..."""
WHEN we as The chosen Remnant { Check your blood line} have thrown off the Net of Deceptive theology and once again embrace the MASTER's covenant TORAH,....Then and only then we will become the Priests of YAHweh'
We are to be SET-APART for the MASTER's good use,...washed and Ready.

No One can enter the KaDosh HaKodoshim { Holy of Holies} with leven in his heart and live.

So,.. Why do we,.. who think' we know all truth.... believe we can enter in to the Holie of Holies with-out Priesthood Integrity???????.Ponder that...

Today the Children of Christology,.. Place titles of Mere-Men upon our names, call our selfs Holy' without the OIL from the MASTER upon us...and to make matters worse,..then go out and teach warmed over Paganism.

Those who think they can start a New work for G-D using old wineskins of Paganism will soon be in a world of Hurt and Deception..for the Teacher of paganism is equated to a worker of inequity.

Those emerging from the institutional "Church" and embracing hebriac ways, find so called Rabbis who just change the Names and call it good [= Tov}>>>

***YET I caution you to look for those who are immersed in INTEGRITY and HOLINESS you will know them for thy wipe the tears from the MASTER's eyes....they are very few who have had the privledge to be called UP the Mountain...Face to Face.

YAHshua the one called Messiah,.. stated in MattithYAHu 5:v17-19 He did not come to abolish the TORAH ( Torah means Instructions or Directions/// Or better yet the Brides Instructions} but that through Him as a Living Epistle It might be Fullfilled.
In Fact that He was the Covenant Lamb to be slain for the NEW Begining.
The Emergence of Humanity once again Being able to Converse with the MASTER' Ha'Shem {the Most High} G-D ~~Blessed Be His Name forever.

But First The Washing....The Purging of MisConceptions.

Friend,.. IT IS TIME to ARISE n Shine for the MASTER's Glorification {Isa./ YesaYAHu 60:v1} and In order for that to Happen,... we need to be Re-Washed in HIS TORAH TRUTH..
YAH'shua stated it quite well as a Proclamation from the MASTER's mouth the Very Breath of Adonai...UNLESS I WASH YOU FIRST~~YOU HAVE NO PART IN ME"
Dear Reader; is time for New Beginings and we are at Acharit HaYamin = the end of day's~~~However we must be SET-APART as Abraham was set apart from those who follow the ways of this 'present world' { Olam hazeh}

Shalom upon your Home >>>Above all Enjoy your journey

LASTLY:::I would recomend a book::: Every man's Talmud>>>It is RICH in Biblical understanding~~~written in 1949~~~By Abraham Cohen'

The Name Cohen is in direct linage with Aaron

Also the "Life and Teachings of Hillel"

Hillel' who was the Main Teaching Yeshiva in Jerusalem in YAHshua's day~~He was responsible for the Return of Torah Truth back to IsraEl...and the Possibility that YAHshua( Jesus) may have attended one of his HIS day.

THIS is not a time for foolishness It is however a time to get back to Biblical Truth...Shalom Aleichem...=Peace be upon you

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Lastly a simple reminder; Read-Read-Read your TaNaKh until HaShem's Torah Becomes seamless within you
As Sephardic Jews of the house of IsraEL,and Moderators of shekinahLife and in order to keep the Shalom... We do not endorse Paganism of any sort. so lets keep it in line with historical truth..and we thank you in advance....

