
Arise and Shine

How blessed are those who do not see, but trust anyway! (Yochannon [John] 20:29)

Many look for miracles as the proof they need to trust in YAH".

[His name is YAH see Psalm 68:v4]

Moreover, This is particularly true of our people today.... Rabbi Sha'ul (Saul; i.e., Paul) said, "Jews ask for signs" (1 Corinthians 1:22).
To ma (Thomas) wanted evidence, and so do we.... Yet YAH'shua promised a special blessing for those who trusted in the ONE Eloheim.

Who do you trust in... Your Denomination or the TRUTH as written in Torah?

Hebrew tradition does, in fact, encourage us to recognize YAH"s handiwork in the everyday experiences of life, not simply in supernatural signs and wonders. He truly is a Lifestyle of Torah Obedience.

In the Amidah (Standing Prayer) ...Those who are in-grafted in are called to praise YAHweh, "For your miracles that are with us every day."

All of life [ Chayim] can be considered one giant miracle that YAH' is continually performing before us. We simply need to obey HIM and not the Babblings of Mere'' Well Meaning' men in Church leadership.

YAHweh reveals Himself through the supernatural as well as through the manifold acts of his providence.
All He is really looking for is someone with ZEAL and He will direct their paths....Look at Shual,.. after he was Blinded to the Traditions of Men He was on fire for the truth even unto death..

Somewhere between providence and miracle we can, through faith and Obedience, find the reality of YAHwehs's daily presence in our lives.

That is where we must anchor our souls... In HIM and in HIM alone will we find the Vestibule of Heavens resources.

Whether we see Him working providentially, in phenomenal answers to prayer, or through miracles, let's be content for Him to decide how to do it and whom to use..All we do is OBEY all His covenant word.

The sign we should seek is the sign of His coming; Certainly it is soon However first we need an Awakening in America,...and we will have it according to the word.

We will have it soon,... we have Not bowed our knees in Reverence and there is always a Come-uppence for Rebellion and False Idols.

America Has more than any country known on the planet and It is Not Alright in HIS eyes...sorry to mention that...But then EzekiEL 33 stands out in my mind.

The Covenant promise for the Seed from Abraham, Issiac and Ya'aqob we can experience daily.

His transforming power of the Ruach HaKodosh teaching and guiding us is what makes us more like YAH'shua.

I will believe in YAH'shua's transforming power,through Obedience and Intimacy to the Father of all Creation ..Do You?

I will look for that special blessing YAHweh promises to those who Obey And not the tricks sent down to the Church from ROME...

Shalom Upon your home~~~~Enjoy your journey

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~Shalom/Welcome to SHEKINAH~LIFE'¬  Your hosts Jim and Terry Hamilton

As The Zohar itself proclaims: "Woe unto those who see in the Law nothing but simple narratives and ordinary words .... Every word of the Law contains an elevated sense and a sublime mystery .... The narratives of the Law are but the raiment within which it is swathed."

Shalom to one and all/.....Your host:
Jim and Terry (mobile)\

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