
Arise and Shine

Stimulus bill has hidden genocide plan

This is pure "sustainable medicine" folks, right out of Agenda I, and others, have warned for years.

It happens in the Canadian health care field now where people are literally sent home to die instead of getting care It will happen here IF we do not become a voice


NOTE: Stimulus bill has hidden genocide plan within it--Call your senators NOW to stop this bill!!!

Friends: Government control of the healthcare system translates to healthcare rationing and the government deciding who lives and who dies. Simply put, it's planned genocide on a mass scale.

The Stimulus bill includes clauses affecting the elderly relative to who gets what care and when.
Such rationing will expedite the death rate among those who are older and sick.
Ultimately, it will be expanded to a Nazi style extermination plan where everybody from the mentally ill to the old to those with chronic disease will be expendable and terminated.

No one is Congress is fighting these draconian provisions.
I urge you to immediately call your two U.S. Senators at 202-224-3121 and urge them to vote NO on the "Stimulus" bill.

Hidden in the massive stimulus bill is the first part of the socialized health care system we’ve been dreading, and it could kill you—literally.

Government bureaucrats will draw up charts assigning arbitrary values to each element of health care, and weigh them against factors such as age and medical history; and someone you will never be able to meet will decide whether or not your life is insufficiently valuable to treat, and they could prevent your doctor from providing the treatment you need.

In 2006, a similar English system ordered that elderly patients with macular degeneration had to wait until they went blind in one eye before they could get a costly drug to save the other eye.

That could become an everyday drama in hospitals and doctors offices across the country. They might as well tattoo "Die" on the victim’s foreheads.

This was one of the ideas Senator Daschle recommended, and while public outrage kept him from being confirmed to be the HHS Secretary, his deadly idea lives on, hidden in the stimulus bill which will be voted on anytime in the next few days.

The bill number is H.R. 1, but it’s just known as the Stimulus Bill.

You can call it the "Death Stimulus Bill" when you call, just so they get the point.

Please call both your senators at 202-224-3121 now.

Tell them to vote NO on the stimulus bill and that there is health care rationing in the bill.

And call and email your friends asking for their immediate help too. You can email your Senators, but please call them first because they will notice if we jam the phone lines, but they could ignore email until after the vote. You can also call the Senator’s home-state offices, you’ll find the numbers on their websites at .

There isn’t much time, the vote could be any time TODAY.

Most of the dangerous health care parts of the bill are on pages 190-192, 442, 444-446, 479, 511, 518 and 540-541.

Call the offices of Sen.Arlen Specter; Sen. Olympia Snow and Sen. Diane Feinstein.
They are the most likely to heed the warning in addition to your own Senators.
Unfortunately I don't have any relatives in Maine or Pennsylvania so can't give an address there. They all have caller I.D. but if you can give an address in their state, they accept that you are calling while away from home.


it will cause the death of many elderly people and eventually will cause the death of MILLIONS OF AMERICANS by withholding essential treatments for curable diseases."

Copy this message and paste it into another email and send to ALL on your list of contacts!!

Become a VOICE...Shalom From Yaakov and Terry

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