
Arise and Shine

Mr. Barack Obama has reportedly expressed to Republicans that he is open to compromising on his stimulus bill.
Mr.Barack Obama has expressed to Republicans that he is willing to compromise on his highly debated economic rescue package. As reported by the Associated Press (AP), in a series of closed door meetings on Capitol Hill Tuesday, the President stated his willingness to accept some of the proposed changes requested by Republicans to his $825 billion rescue bill.

Obama is quoted in the AP report as stating a day before an important vote on the measure, "The American people expect action." Specific changes to the bill were not made explicit; however, the President purportedly stated that his aides would consider GOP lawmakers' requests for modifications that would include additional business tax relief.

Included in Obama's bill is a tax cut for low and middle income workers for $500 for single workers and $1,000 for couples.

SPECIAL NOTE of CONCERN~~Looks like everyone is piling on the Economic Stimulus bandwagon, your reps and tell them to stop this nonsense. PS- Be sure and weigh in against road/ bridge tolling and GPS revenue tracking on our cars. (transportation section) of these Stimulus bills>>>YES MORE ROAD Taxation/Tolling is coming..
In my opinion all these multi-million dollar roadside Trucking weigh stations will be used to regulate your driving from one region to another~~~PAPERS" Papers Please
~~Stimulus is BS IMHO~~~~Why do I say that? If they wanted to Stimulate the AmeriKan public they would have let the Car Mfgs Bankrupt as they should like any other business gone bad~~~{ Most of you do not know that they have a water powered car YES THEY DO!!!~ and really it needs to be built,... So much for Mr"O"s emission lies now being directed to all the states which will be passed down to you and me] And they should have let AIG insurance corp. go Bankrupt and send they poorly handled money Stolen from the Taxpayers in the form of a MAJOR stimulus. That would have been a BOOST to the economy~IMHO. STOLEN I say because the 16th Amendment was NEVER ratified and so the Tax system [ stealing from your hard earned paychecks] is Illegal and if you can afford to fight it,... they have no law to back it up...
The AIG BAILOUT' alone would have pit over $$500,000.00 in each household in AmeriKan home NOW IMO that would have stimulated the economy and bailed out every AmeriKan citizen...But then You all did not vote for Me..I am just a Watchman on the wall Screaming Wake-up, Wake-up

Ok,... look they have a control over every aspect of AmeriKan life...From you house loans to your cars and everything in between.
Has anybody read the Bill of rights or for that matter the Constitution???If you had you would stop voting into office these lifetime legislators that do really nothing bu destroy the Constitution for which they SAY they will uphold

Here is One they lied about The state known as DC or District of Columbia was set-apart and NOT to own anything in AmeriKa.
The only purpose of Government is to protect the Citizens from a foreign invasion...NOT to have a standing army [ as they do]
They are to be sure that the citizens are able to bear arms in the event of an invasion.[ but they continue to legislate to take away that right~~This Admin of Mr. "O"s has already begun to do that as well~~ perhaps someone did not notice]

Mr "O" is in the process of reinstating the draft and recruiting your children into the AmeriKan Commie army Oppppps.WAKE UP that means he is about to invade Pakistan so they can CONTROL like they do Iraq,...WHY????<> an oil pipe line is Why!!~~~
HERE REMEMBER THIS:::>Aug. 2008 ... The war in Georgia escalated dangerously last night after Russian jets reportedly bombed a vital pipeline that supplies oil to the West.
Georgia was all about an oil pipeline and Russia was fed up with the AmeriKan/ CIA behind the scenes orchestration of the conflict<>
....And your sons and daughters will pay a high price once again soon IF you do not say Enough is Enough [Somebody Preach that from the Platform], so the rich who do not send their children to the front line,.... will get Richer.
WAR is always used as an excuse to STIMULATE the Economy Research all the wars and see who made the profit as the young men died for "the cause"

PROPAGANDA my dear reade,r ,just more PROPAGANDA coming from the house called white.

I think the Controllers have raped the Citizens of AmeriKa enough do you AGREE???

The Watchman....

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