The messiah of the disordered new world is now president of the United States.
With eyes wide shut Americans elected Barack Hussein Obama even though it’s doubtful he was even eligible for the office; even though he promised bona fide socialism; even though virtually every “change’”
his supporters thought they were voting for likely won’t
transpire; and even though changes that probably will take
place will be horrifying.
If you made it through the media’s servile flattery of candidate
Obama, and then the wild-eyed hysteria of the inauguration, then a little
mirth is in order, as a distraction from the pain of all this.
We can take a break from the Jumbotron Obama-as-savior coverage to play a little game. The rules are simple - you ask an Obamaniac a question. For every wrong answer you get to gloat. Tally up the points and you’re
the easy winner of the game. But don’t get too excited. You’ll
win the game, but in the end we lose our country.
First Question:
“Did you vote for Obama to see an end to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?”
A “YES” answer means you score a point. This is where you mention that Barack Obama has been breaking a sweat back pedaling on his promise to bring the boys and toys home from the unconstitutional
and immoral wars being fought in those countries. (For the record, however,
Obama has stated “I
don’t sweat. You ever see me sweat?”)
During the campaign, Obama tried to draw a contrast between himself and his Republican opponent saying he’d “bring US troops home within 16 months” of his inauguration. Before he ever raised his hand
and swore to uphold the Constitution, he had added a qualifying phrase
saying he would “remove our combat troops from Iraq in 16
months with the understanding that it might be necessary - likely to
be necessary- to retain a residual force.” He added “
It’s also critical that we recognize the situation in Afghanistan
has been worsening.”
He wants to send more troops. 70,000 more troops there.
Now that you’ve scored one, it’s time for extra game points- mention Obama’s new Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton, who promised a “departure from the Bush foreign policy”
while she was campaigning to be president. How did she plan on doing
that when she voted for the Iraq war and supported the Afghanistan surge?
You can now add that Obama’s left hand man, former Illinois Congressman and Democratic Congressional Campaign Commission Chairman Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel (whose family name was Auerbach) has been called the “most
powerful voice in the House of Representatives.” Rahm has been
such a persistent war monger that while 60 % of the country is against
the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, he made it his business to oppose
and torpedo every single Democrat who opposed the wars (that we now
wage at Israel’s behest) during party primaries. In fact, jokes
circulating include possible bumper stickers we might see in an Obama
administration that read ‘Invade and Bomb with Hillary and
Rahm Emanuel, former Clinton aide, is the guy who said: "All Americans between the ages of 18 and 25 should be asked to serve their country by going through three months of basic civil defense training and community
service." (Wonder
if he read the 13th Amendment to the Constitution which states “involuntary
servitude” is a no-no “except as a punishment for a crime.”
Rahm’s right in step with Obama’s plan to force middle and
high school students to perform 50 hours of “community service”
per year.
Here goes the country’s first (half) Black president reinstating slavery.
And while Obama’s talking up “job creation,” his boy Rahm was head cheerleader to get the Democrats to buy into the job-destroying NAFTA passed over a decade ago.
Politico says Rahm “has the soul of an inside Washington operator.”
While Obama’s mamma’s baby’s daddy was a Kenyan, Rahm’s father was an Israeli and a member of a Zionist group called Irgun. Oddly enough, Rham means ‘lofty’ in Hebrew. Others call him “Rahmbo.”
So far you should be racking up an easy win in this game, so let’s keep playing!
Next question:
“Obama supporter, are you sure you voted for a “change” to end status quo- business as usual Washington-insider politics? This is where you continue to explain that every single Obama cabinet member is a firmly entrenched, deep down and dirty District player.
Name names like Paul Volcker, the former Federal Reserve Board Chairman tapped to lead the new president’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board. Volcker’s been at this since 1952 when he went to work for the
Fed (which Constitutionalists agree ought to be abolished posthaste
for causing the economic mess we’re in.)
Volcker is a founding member, along with David Rockefeller, of the global elite Trilateral Commission. Volcker is also a former director of the United Nations Association of the USA which promoted more U.N. funding and power, and therefore less sovereignty for the U.S.
Then there’s Obama’s pick for Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner who was “careless” about not paying $34,000 in taxes. (Oops, my bad.) Just try being that “careless” and see what the IRS will do to us little people.
Stop here because by now you’ve made your point and if you were to continue to list the bona fides of the rest of Obama’s new D.C. posse you might see a grown man or woman cry.
Next question:
“Obama supporter, did you vote for Barrack so he could put an end to the egregious assault on the 4th amendment that Bush was known for when he sanctioned eavesdropping on Americans, though that’s clearly considered a
no-no in our land of the free?
Now you point to the fact during his time in the Senate, Barack Obama
endorsed Warrant-less Wiretaps, okayed in the so-called Protect
America Act which authorized Congress and the president to poke
around in our emails and on our phone calls without court orders.
(Maybe that’s how they do it in Kenya and Israel.)
Now, pack up your game and go home. But before you do, remind your vanquished opponent that in addition to all you’ve pointed out about the so-called “change’ they thought they were voting for, the
new president’s economic “stimulus” plan will not
bring any positive “change” either. It can never work, because,
while he was bashing Sarah Palin and McCain on the “Bridge to
nowhere,” now Obama will apparently preside over lots of “bridges
to nowhere” in make- work programs that didn’t help during
the last depression and won’t help now.
Tally up your points and leave your opponent with the words of the late minister and three-term president of the Southern Baptist Convention Adrian Rogers who wrote:
"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody
anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because
the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half
gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is
going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end
of any nation.
You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."
Oh, one more thing. Before you gloat too terribly much, remember, the president who just left office leaving a catastrophic mess was a Republican and the man you likely voted for for president was virtually identical to Obama on the major issues like the war and the Bailouts and immigration.
Unless, of course, you voted for a third party candidate.
© 2009 Mary Starrett - All Rights Reserved
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