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Netanyahu eyes broad Israeli coalitionNetanyahu eyes broad Israeli coalition by Charley Wegman JERUSALEM (AFP) – Israeli hawk Benjamin Netanyahu will try to entice centrist riv… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. HodgeLatest Reply |
Hamas fighters seek to restore order in Gaza StripHamas fighters seek to restore order in Gaza Strip By IBRAHIM BARZAK and CHRISTOPHER TORCHIA GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip – Uniformed Hamas sec… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. HodgeLatest Reply |
Israel declares unilateral Gaza cease-fire, Hamas says no deal, Gaza war dampers Inauguration, More DeadIsrael declares unilateral Gaza cease-fire JERUSALEM – Prime Minister Ehud Olmert says Israel will unilaterally halt its 22-day offensive… Started by Mrs. Sharon B. HodgeLatest Reply |
Horrors Of Gaza (warning, bloody graphic terror)Horrors Of GAza (warning, bloody graphic terror) Started by Mrs. Sharon B. HodgeLatest Reply |
No One Is SparedNo One Is Spared A report from The Media Line in S/Israel and N/Gaza. Started by Mrs. Sharon B. HodgeLatest Reply |
What really happened in IsraelWhat really happened in Israel .If you watch this video,... and you should...Let us know your thoughts James & Terry Follow this… Started by James (yaakov)Latest Reply |
Israel Rejects 48-Hour Gaza Cease-Fire ProposalIsraeli officials said Wednesday morning the country had decided to reject an immediate 48-hour pause in a devastating five-day offensive a… Started by James and Terry HamiltonLatest Reply |
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As The Zohar itself proclaims: "Woe unto those who see in the Law nothing but simple narratives and ordinary words .... Every word of the Law contains an elevated sense and a sublime mystery .... The narratives of the Law are but the raiment within which it is swathed."
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Jim and Terry
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