
Arise and Shine

People want the rivers of G-D to overflow their lives.
But more important are they as well ready for a full immersion into the depths of the Master and all that only He can reveal?
Ezekiel went from ankle high to overflowing immersion completely consuming his life.

Do you remember what He did?
He taught the stony heart issues with Israel the heart that had to be made a heart of flesh.
Friend, When you lose your joy and the hunger for the pursuit of G-D and the things of G-D in a reverential manor, You need a friend who can guide you back to Biblical basics...Perachyah said: Provide for yourself a teacher and get yourself a friend; and judge every man towards merit.[ Pirkei Avot1]
The basics of Torah reconciliation, a Torah of Healing, a Torah with every promise to those who walk the walk of a Tzaddik or a pious man of G-D who in turn for such a great love upon a simple man, he does acts of charitable/ benevolent kindness in an attempt to bring forth the "Moshiach".
Simply they become Men of G-D through quick fix , no middle man, but a lifetime example of who and what G-D represents in their lives. and how you may ask'... It is shown by Tzadakah, one of the most pivotal acts of goodness you can do before a Holy/kodosh G-D.
How else do you enter the Kodosh ha'Kodoshim
That is our main call to help humanity to help those in need to become a global community of the ONE G-D not to be confused with the Hellenistic or proto agnostic version.

Another great Navi of HaShem spoke this out;

"Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts."
--[Yirmeyahu 15:v16]
This servant of Ha'Shem was commanded to eat the scroll of Adonai, to eat the scrolls of G-D. Yes, He literally had to eat and internalize the word of G-D.

In simple terms, making the word [Torah] become flesh.
If you are a true servant unto the Master then this is foundational You must acquaint yourself with historical truth You must become one with the Divine then you will see greater things come to pass.

Get this simple understanding Yeshua was not the word as the proto-gnostic version would have you believe
Yeshua as any Tzaddik does he internalizes the word... it is memorized.
You become one with the Divine.

It is the kingdom of G-D within you.
It is the Essence of YAH Himself,.. a living breathing intimacy with the Divine known as devekut .
It is not uncommon for a young Hebrew boy to memorize fifty plus pages of Torah along with many of the sages writings and commentary.

What should you do?
Memorize Torah and the writings, internalize them within. Come out of the infiltrated paganism of Romes theology.
Become One with the shekinah Life.
Become intertwined, as one in full embrace, almost to say having sex with the divine in an awesome internal embrace.
Intimacy at its finest'

Judaism will take you so deep you cannot help but become intertwined with the divine'
~~"Deep calleth unto deep"
People say they are into G-D or that it is a personal thing with them but a true servant is consumed they have been to the Mikveh of G-D...they have connected with the divine'
Once the milk and honey days are over then comes the real walk, the forty two journeys in the wilderness.
A walk with G-D is not just a bible study now and then.
It is your very being within. He is your consuming fire purging everything and every dogma that is Not of Him'
It is the true Mikveh/Baptism into the divine presence.
Yes when we have the Deep Well of YAH' running in and through us.
When we are Cleaving [Devekut] with the Divine, then we will understand the One factor.

A famous sage once said~ "I pray you become ehud with the Father /Ha'Shem as I am Echud [One] with Him".
So how did that sage do it?
Just like every man seeking G-D does, you go and study, enter a yeshiva of learning and then you read the literature from every source until you come up with a working model of what a Pious benevolent man of G-D would do all the while putting everything back into its historical place.
Simply you spit out the wood stubble and hey Because Kings only deal with precious items.
We are to become kings and priests for YAHweh, That means the ball is in our court to go and study.
We are to "come out from her" the world religions will lead you astray, but a cleaving with the Divine is internal.

When we internalize the Torah and then go about the community doing good like Chasidim,/Tzaddik we are then an extension of the Divine, the Shechinah presence of Ha'Shem among the people of G-D.
We read in pirkei Avot 1 2-4~

2. Shimon the Righteous was one of the last survivors of the Great Assembly. He used to say: On three things the world is sustained: on the Torah, on the (Temple) service, and on deeds of loving kindness.
3. Antigonus of Socho received the Torah from Shimon the Righteous. He used to say: Be not like servants who minister unto their master for the sake of receiving a reward, but be like servants who serve their master not upon the condition of receiving a reward; and let the fear of Heaven be upon you.
4. Yosi ben Yoezer of Tzeredah and Yosi ben Yochanan of Jerusalem received the Torah from them. Yosi ben Yoezer of Tzeredah said: Let your house be a meetinghouse for the sages and sit amid the dust of their feet and drink in their words with thirst.[ pirkei Avot 1 2-4]

When we learn that we are all one' in the Adam Qadmon..We are all one in the Divine essence because we came from the one'. It is the essence within you that is the kingdom of G-D.

He is the "Self Existent One" from eternity past, who has already become what you need now... ~~~
"Jeremiah 33:3
"Call to Me,[YAHweh'] and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know."

All you have to do is your part therefore go and study real historical truth and put everything back into its proper order...Foolishness does not do it, only obedience to the Torah, the internalized word.
Recognize that you are one with the Divine and you will become a Son of the most high G-D,... a Son of the commandments/mitzvot
It is time for the eagles to arise~ YesaYAHu 60:v1~~Shalom Aleichem

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As The Zohar itself proclaims: "Woe unto those who see in the Law nothing but simple narratives and ordinary words .... Every word of the Law contains an elevated sense and a sublime mystery .... The narratives of the Law are but the raiment within which it is swathed."

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