Quote: |
"There is no truth about G-d. Truth is G-d. There is no one who learns Truth. You become Truth. There is no need to search for Truth. You have inherited it, it is in the Torah before you and it is within you. You need only learn quietness to listen to that inheritance." "People think the Torah is all about laws and customs and quaint stories, with a mystical side as well. In truth, the Torah is entirely spiritual. But when you cannot perceive the spiritual, all you see is laws and quaint stories." "Go out on a clear night and see the moon reflected in the water of a lake. Then see the very same moon reflected in a pond, in a teacup, in a single drop of water. So the same essential Torah is reflected within each person who studies it, from a small child to a great sage." "Where is the Torah? Does it reside in the heavens with the angels? Or in a parchment scroll in the ark of the synagogue? Or with the rabbis and scholars? It lives in the heart of each person who learns it, in the voice of the one who discusses it and in the life of the one who lives it." "A container is defined by its contents. A pitcher of water is water. A crate of apples is apples. A house, too, is defined by what it contains. Fill your house with books of Torah, and your house becomes a Torah. Affix charity boxes to its walls, and your house becomes a wellspring of charity. Bring those who need a warm home to your table, and your house becomes a lamp in the darkness." "You can live in a palace filled with treasures and still be poor. To be wealthy you must own the things you have. So too with poverty of the mind. You may have all the knowledge and brilliant ideas in the world, but you are still poor until they have become part of you." Excerpts taken from: "Bringing Heaven Down To Earth: Meditations and Everyday Wisdom from the Teachings of the Rebbe, Menachem Schneerson," compiled by Tzvi Freeman, pp. 155-163. |
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As The Zohar itself proclaims: "Woe unto those who see in the Law nothing but simple narratives and ordinary words .... Every word of the Law contains an elevated sense and a sublime mystery .... The narratives of the Law are but the raiment within which it is swathed."
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Jim and Terry
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