
Arise and Shine

:What is it going to take to forget all the distractions of Modern day church and get back to the basics.? Without a doubt the power of YAHweh [ G-D] is desperately needed in this time and hour would you agree?

" I Perceive "the Whole house of G-D is out of order" and since the ruling establishment { the Priests and Prophets] is so divided, we have the world heading down the tubes in quick manor

If you agree, then I would suggest Study' and study and then study some more.

Dear reader, We are so far removed in what Yeshua [ J-sus] was teaching two thousand years ago, it really is not funny.

Matthew 5:v17-19 states "Do not think I came to destroy or take away the Torah from Israel, But that I came to fulfill it...~~~~Fulfill in the Hebrew idiom means to walk it out...
John referenced that is First John 2:v6~ Those who say they ABIDE in the walk of Yeshua should walk as He walked.

That would be in Obedient Judaism observing all the Biblical traditions and Hallakah, like the seven feasts and festivals unto the Lord {eg Passover,...Yom Kippur etc.}
Yeshua makes it a president time after time to go read the Torah... to go and study...yet the revered KJV does not clearly show most of you kids the all honestly it has a few things missing,... Like acts fifteen, some folks think everything was changed and everything is all right...
No they are referencing the Noahide laws and what the Gentiles should observe,...yet it is incomplete -{See More Below re Noahide}

For one because you do not study for yourselves the whole Truth. You really are so caught up in the distractions of the world... the gadgets and misconstrued priorities... that the real truth is passing you by.

Historical Judaism is full of the truth You just have to have a middle eastern mindset when reading along with a entry level mindset of Judaism and it will be very clear what He was trying to teach.... Yeshua Never intended to become a Kingdom,... His words prove this out.
He was only doing what a Chasidim [ A Pious benevolent person] does "He goes about doing good"...

If you are not really ready to study and instead follow denominations of mere men, You will never learn water walking healing power.

The men of the Bible worked in healing and deliverance ministries [that is what being Sent' two by two was]

Today the church is mostly lethargic, sick and diseased from eating the Kings Delicacies...Basic case of Gluttony.
..... But Everything is alright RIGHT?

Biblical study should take president in a man's life

Not just the Bible alone,...More-so every piece of Historical literature that was of the time dating up to[ bc/ce] to the time of Yeshua..Including in your study everything relating to the House of Hillel, the House of Shammai and the Essenes /Zadock priesthood [ The major teaching schools/Yeshiva’s at the time] So you really understand what the roots of your faith are and not just follow simple traditions and the clichés of mere men handed down from Rome theology.

Why do I write that statement?
Well for beginnings the foolishness has gone on far to long, and the real enemy of foolishness is a well-educated remnant seeking G-D with all their heart.
Understanding the depth that a Jewish child is immersed in the Bible learning, may escape some people.
I am a Serphardic Jew so let me explain.
At the age of five they start in the Bible/ Torah study…at the age of ten they then add to that the study of Talmud these are long days sometimes ten to twelve hours a day in the Yeshiva.
At the age of 13 they are then Bar/bat Mitzvot [which means the biological Father lets go during the ceremony and they are totally given over to G-D].
They become a Son of the Commandment.

Those who obtain to HIS living word become in essence a part of the divine.

When you connect with the Master and not the foolishness YOU will know what the real church is

It is a House to house-breaking bread fellowship among the people with the Covenant word of G-D
NOT what the institutionalized version is today. This is not what the founding fathers of the Church to the Gentiles was ever about,
The Goyiim or [gentile] Nations are basically to honor the Noahide laws

G-d gave Noah and all his descendants (B'nei Noach or "children of Noah") seven commandments to obey. These seven universal laws (known as the "Seven Noahide Laws") were reaffirmed with Moses and the Jewish people at Mt. Sinai in what is now known as the Oral Torah, establishing modern observance of these laws.

Non-Jews who (1) reject all idolatrous ideas and accept the kingship of the One G-d, (2) accept the priesthood of the Jewish people as the guardians and teachers of Torah, and (3) commit to following the Seven Noahide Laws as revealed in the Oral Torah from Mt. Sinai are "Hasidic Gentiles" or "Noahides." The term "Hasidic Gentile" is derived from a classic commentary by the Rambam, Rav Moshe ben Maimon (Maimonides), in The Laws of Kings 8:11:
"Anyone who accepts upon himself the fulfillment of these Seven Mitzvos [commandments] and is precise in their observance is considered one of the hasidei umos ha'olam ["Hasidim of the nations of the world"] and will merit a share in the World to Come."
The Seven Noahide Laws are the minimal observance for non-Jews.
The following six commandments were enjoined upon Adam:
FROM Jewish Encyclopedia Here
(1) not to worship idols;
(2) not to blaspheme the name of God;
(3) to establish courts of justice;
(4) not to kill;
(5) not to commit adultery; and
(6) not to rob (Gen. R. xvi. 9, xxiv. 5; Cant. R. i. 16; comp. Seder 'Olam Rabbah, ed. Ratner, ch. v. and notes, Wilna, 1897; Maimonides, "Yad," Melakim, ix. 1).
(7) A seventh commandment was added after the Flood—not to eat flesh that had been cut from a living animal (Gen. ix. 4).
Thus,the Talmud frequently speaks of "the seven laws of the sons of Noah," which were regarded as obligatory upon all mankind, in contradistinction to those that were binding upon Israelites only (Tosef., 'Ab. Zarah, ix. 4; Sanh. 56a et seq.).
Study brings you to the Light’ to the Shekinah of G-D working in and through you.
We are all a little bit of all the patriarchs of the scriptures or should be they are our examples.
Every one we admire we should become in and through us ; Like an Ester, or Ruth, or a Mordechai, a Daveed, a YeshaYAHu [ Isaiah] or like the Prophet [ Navi] Elijah restoring Torah back to the people.

We can be the best of the best if we allow the MASTER to use us… But intimacy is the key with the divine working within this earthen vessel…Paul alluded to this.
It is not a mystery…none of it is if you will allow the Meshing of the divine to come into you.
It is a Viable walk with G-D it is Enoch walking with G-D it is Jasher revealing G-D it is a walk in the cool of the day with G-D it is the kingdom with in you ALIVE!

It was not a new religion. It was an Awakening to what was and is the Kingdom of heaven within.
The greatest enemy to world religion is Power.
Power to raise the dead.
Power to heal the sick.
Power to love the loveless.
But it has been my personal experience that power comes from a simple intimacy with the divine. He alone is your first love. He listens to the Heart Cry of His children.

SRY to those it may offend However No foolishness in between
No Dogma, No eschalogical concepts make it work. Just plain and simple intimacy with the ONE, we often call YAHweh.

That is why I hammer away to get folks to study for themselves...then after a few trips cover to cover through the Bible and some heavy prayer crying out of your heart to the MASTER' for understanding...the real answers come.

Then all of a sudden you read the text through different eyes, the eyes of the author of all truth
The word truly becomes alive
You yourself will then come alive.
Moreover, the Shekinah of YAH will illuminate HIS word and you will then spit out the wood stubble and hay of foolishness.

Always remember<>’Kings never deal with foolishness, they only deal with precious jewels...Become a Jewel for YAH' and leave the Misconceptions and common cliché’s far behind.

I hope that helps you<><>'Y&T'

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