
Arise and Shine

There may have always been some in every generation that G-d gave more understanding to...however they were set apart in would seem

Some info
Segments of Judaism believe that there is the Jewish tradition of 36 righteous people whose role in life is to justify the purpose of mankind in the eyes of God.

Tradition holds that their identities are unknown to each other and that, if one of them comes to a realization of his true purpose then he may die and his role is immediately assumed by another person:
The Lamed-Vav Tzaddikim are also called the Nistarim ("concealed ones"). For those who enter the shekinah ~Life get the prize so to speak it all comes from being set-apart in meditative study with the Torah /word of YHVH and the Prophets Tanya then writings of Rambam the Writings of Miramonides and the like every commentary, or even Mystical working of G-d in and through you as a set-apart servant.

Rabbi Hillel (Yeshua's Rebbe) The Life and teachings of Hillel by: Aronson ///Akiba 'Scholar saint martyr"..and the Pirkei Avos the ethics of the Fathers bring great depth to your Biblical understanding ~~
Pirkei Avos Ethics of the fathers (online)

It is time for us all to grow up to the Full Stature and stop the fooling around we are losing ground not gaining Look at the once great nation AmeriKa eroding because of false hope,...poor Socialist education programming, Smoke and mirrors tyranny and Bio-chemical holocausts going on to suit Agenda21[ the UN Treaty bush Sr. Signed] and we are the victims Because we lost the greater connection with the father and instead followed institutional concepts of religion.

I perceive if we stop being victims and become the Mature Men of G-d that Yeshua and friends were trying to get to happen to see that they were already Son's of G-d as Israel and that by study and avodah greater things/deeds shall the servants/students do.
A Baal Teshuvah movement was what it was,..Right?... Repent and Return to G-d"...Did we listen and do as he taught No! Yeshua was teaching what his teacher Rabbi Hillel taught and His teachers before him...
We need to review the original scrolls and writings get back to the linguistic and historical walk your Rabbi taught,... separate from what Paul taught,... and Walk the Walk Mar Yeshua ben Yoseph' taught first and foremost,... if that is your preference.
IMHO I prefer Judaism as it is a religion that is not a religion as more-so it is a relationship as Son of the Divine Master,... A Spark from the sun [if you will allow] that has a mission to warm the earth" to go out and Repair the world [Tikkun Olam]. No superficial wanderings of the heart just clarity of purpose at the core.

Religion is like that in some groups they want you in line and soon if we all do not wake up like Dr.Ron Paul suggests we will be homeless on the streets if we keep following foolish wanna be leaders

Friends and readers it all starts with the children of G-d learning the Torah till it is One with you...then becoming Son's of G-d Why because Study is a given in Judaism. In Christian understanding It simply is Study to show thy-SELF Approved" to who UNTO G-D ...They did not have a New testament So they studied what,,,,Torah and the received traditions commonly known as qaballah and the more recent renditions of psychology of the Soul known as Tanya... So enjoy the Rich journey this new awakening this Paradigm shift is bringing forth...

Shalom Aleichem

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