Zohar Pinchas, Vol. 20
When the Holy Temple existed people brought sacrifices to the Altar to cleanse their impurities.
The Zohar explains that if a person did not break the negativity from inside the offering was rejected.
If the person overcame the negative spirit from within then he received the Light that purified him.
Every spiritual connection should be with the proper consciousness.
The physical action is just to create an opening for the soul to change for the better.
The Light of the connection touches the soul, not the physical offering. The sacrifices were burnt and consumed on the altar but the light came
down to the person.
If the vessel is not ready then no light is received.
The Light is what we need to cleanse the soul and remove all blockages from it. The ultimate is having the ability to harness and use the spiritual forces on the physical level, like Rabbi Shimon and other righteous people.
Before you meditate, pray, give money or help a friend look inside your heart and remove any selfishness, pride, entitlement or any kind of condition. Make it about the receiver and that will be the kind of vessel you are creating inside of you. It will be filled with the light that helps you in the area of your life that you need.
Now that you have this teaching in your mind it will be harder to remove it when you do the action.
You should make greater efforts to purify your heart.
To achieve that, develop an iron rule to never say anything that you don’t want to be quoted [ Zohar Pinchas, Vol. 20 (English)/Vol 15 (Hebrew) ]
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As The Zohar itself proclaims: "Woe unto those who see in the Law nothing but simple narratives and ordinary words .... Every word of the Law contains an elevated sense and a sublime mystery .... The narratives of the Law are but the raiment within which it is swathed."
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