
Arise and Shine



One Nation Under Siege**\r\n Through the research and personal testimony of over a dozen internationally distinguished authors, journalists, doctors, and military experts you will begin to understand the massive and ceaseless control projected onto an unsuspecting populace by a government that may have finally crossed the line from a representative republic to a fascist empire. \r\n\r\nFrom the USA PATRIOT Act and the blatant disregard for the Bill of Rights to the outright tracking of every human being on the planet earth, you will be stunned by what U.S. government documents describe for the future of America.";

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With the New seven executive orders just signed by the Fuer...Mr B... We are in serious trouble,... they just dropped the Other shoe on what was left of the American Constitution.

Only One to Blame The CHURCH leaders.
They threw out the Bible tenants...Threw out the Prophets and The REAL Priest's who called for order were barred from Entering in......Go Fig.

Rabboni "Y"
Karen Writes:There is another Holocaust coming. and we must prepare our hearts
I watched this and it brought so much to light, and understanding. This definetely needs to be shared with others. Wow...everything I ever read and know of the misleadings has today been confirmed...Thank you so much for making this video possible to be viewed.
Oh boy, I say this video some years ago.. (2? years ago, right after the 911 issue was hot news)....
Haven't we already seen how this very concenpt is functioning already... even with the foolishness running doing the democratic champiagns....The government functions like Egypt, didn't cha know!!! ;-p

The website, in plain sight...( spoke on these topics too...I have the DVD... it is simply wicked....!!!!

Shalom, KM
WICKED is a KIND WORD compared to what these controllors have planned

Hitler had nothing on these sick Bas*****///~~~Oppppps

DiD I write that???....Hmmmmmmmmm "The FOURTH REICHT...

Oh and Swartzenegger is being groomed by Rothschild....NOW it all makes sense.
Bingo... and the winner to the jackpot is... you guessed it... people who can intelligently reason!!!
OH Goody I think i will write a book on REASON or should it be REASONABLE Doubt
I agree David, However Most of the Children coming out of Christology do nothing but RUN back to another "Church" with a Name Change {Something in Hebraic} and a new leader.
That is still amiss...IN that the Master is calling them out to call them Higher in HIM and HIM alone...
.... Simply HE wants to be there ELOHIM.Period.

The Taryag Mitzvot you mention has those similar statements in it as well, the first ones listed are a reiteration of the Basic Ten.
The list is used only to show an obedience factor.

As for me and my house, we will follow The Ruach Ha’Kodosh right into the Kadosh Ha’kadoshim.... YHVH Shammah.
OMGoodness, but if you look at it from the government's advantage:
Ignorance makes for a better 'slave' mentality....How dare you use logic or reason, and figure out that what I have been feeding you are mere lies...(how ungreatful)...?LOL
I was In Fresno, CA.... five and a half years on the Front line of innercity outreach
The Biggest High School in the inner-city with 72% of the people at or below the FED Poverty level was Roosevelt Hi.
It was a Mixture of Peoples~ Mostly Hispanic and Asian, Hence all the wars and Rivialry.
They would pass these kids and they could not write out a resume or Welfare form by themselves.
How do I know I was Amidst the People with HIS word living among the people and I had 334 kids in my buss ministry and four park outreaches a week and one major apartment complex I went to weekly.
Therefore, I was in touch.thats how I know. And I was also on the united way” Vision 20-20" board to evaluate the Community needs
( a Mr.Clinton Project~~Part of the U.N.Mandate of community profiling)

However on the Other hand the Upper income White echelon Middle-High class' Had computers in their classes and lots of Mentoring to go on to college....HMMMMMMMMMmm.
Something wrong with that Head start/No child left behind B-S .

Head start ~~~Left behind ~~~we are Loosing ***Ground as 'George Carlen puts it.
It really is EU-GENICs~~~~ only the select Have a right to achieve".

And we wonder why these kids today think two years of Bible School Christology and you should give them a Pastorate...???

Without BIBLICAL Maturity and a serious Level of Integrity' first and foremost'.. You are not going to lead me No-Where~~ thank you.

200,MILLION able bodied people in America and ALLOWING" 545~elected Idiots' to run this country into the Ground Daily Bankrupting the citizens spiritually and Financially.
It is time to Take it back By The people For the People.
It is time to finish the TEA party in Boston harbor.
It is time to finish the RE-FORMATION and put the DIS_JOINTED body back together as ECHAD...It is time To ARISE n SHINE for the Master’s Glorification.

OK That is my Temple Shekel’s worth

"When you cannot find a Man of Elohim,.. Then Become the Man of Elohim"
Speaking of a child sized pastorate ;-p

What about the issue of what a 501c3 REALLY means:

Why Not 501c3

Secret FEMA Plan To Use Pastors as Pacifiers in Preparation For Mar...

FEMA Recruiting Pastors To Prepare For Martial Law

The reality is, we've been under siege for quite some time now, in ALL aspects of our lives.

Yes I got invited to a group wanting to Promote the 501-c..By the time I got finished writing the real Truth { I think I got Baned} That Once they did that ALL MIGHTY Not FOR PROFIT 501-C3~~They were No longer Soverign UNDER one G-D and That they now had the U.S.GOV. and the State By Laws as the real Trustee to not only the real estate Property they THOUGHT they owned.... but the reason the Cops can walk in and tell them to turn down the Praise Music...Is it was no longer theirs.

The real issue as I see it is The IGNORANCE of the People..Mental Laziness Prevails...

Blacks Law Dictionary States In order for a License to be issued in America it is only issued for UN-LAWFUL activity.

The Bill of Rights clearly states that Soverign Citizens do not need any Licensing Nor Permits to use the Roadways for the Roadways Belong to the people at large.
Second to that a Police officer { I said that nice } has a responsibility to see that you get to your planned destination unless of course you are hindering others in route [This pertains to Posibble drunkeness ]
The only reason to have a License/or permit is for the Use of the Roadways when you are making a financial profit.

In Simple terms it is all a sham,... Laws upon Laws upon Laws upon Lies to take what is rightfully yours If" you are Born in this country.

WHERE is your FREEDOM...?

Friends we are in Mitzeraim, and The Hard Taskmaster is the Fuer/ Pharoah~~~~ this is NOT the PROMISED LAND~~THIS is SLAVERY ! ! ! under the guise of FREEDOM.
Taxed from when you are born to when you die and then somem your generations.........................MUTINY is in ORDER.. IMO~JAMES


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