love at it's finest from one to another
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Friend; it is time to Arise and Shine and learn to get along.
Leviticus 19:v18- the great rule
~~~Love your friend and your neighbor more-so
Love at it's finest from one to another"
Yeshaya 60:v1.....speaks of this
Baruch haba b'shem YHVH
We are all the Creators son's/daughters.
WE are all one, from one, in one,..Only our perception of what and who the Creator is keeps us divided, yet our hearts yearn to be one' with the One!
Shalom Aleichem/ Peace be unto you
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Broadcast Time 04:20 (Jerusalem Time)
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Dear Friend thank you for stopping by UNITY Is the key as it says in Psalm 133
Your Hosts James and Terry offer you this exciting discussion group. to explore the Wisdom of the Sages. The Ancient Kabbalah...Qabbalah, Kabalah based upon the Book of Radiance known as the Zohar. Dr Michael Laitmans connection site for greater instruction For those with inquiring minds Thankyou for being a friend
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Thank you for joining and adding value to the quest of the meaning of life/chayim
~Shalom/Welcome to SHEKINAH~LIFE'¬ Your hosts Jim and Terry Hamilton
As The Zohar itself proclaims: "Woe unto those who see in the Law nothing but simple narratives and ordinary words .... Every word of the Law contains an elevated sense and a sublime mystery .... The narratives of the Law are but the raiment within which it is swathed."
Shalom to one and all/.....Your host:
Jim and Terry (mobile)\
join us here Shekinah~Life
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Serious students Listen, write notes, and study~~~
Take this to heart~~Anti-Rabbinism, Polygamy proponents and anti-Scholasticism will not be tolerated here!
May the Torah truth be Revealed to All who come to this site Lastly a simple reminder; Read-Read-Read your TaNaKh until HaShem's Torah Becomes seamless within you
As Sephardic Jews of the house of IsraEL,and Moderators of shekinahLife and in order to keep the Shalom... We do not endorse Paganism of any sort. so lets keep it in line with historical truth..and we thank you in advance....