Who and What is the Moshiach?

Along the quest for an answer to the question: Who and What is the Moshiach?


Shalom to one and all. This is me at the falls with a very big Shofar-[rams horn-],.. and with Ha'Shem,..and Lady Terry (taking pic)

The question is this what and who is the messiah that will help advance humanity.
This question opens the door for more understanding of the historical views .I have dug around a little and come up with a few , or more than a few historical comprehensions.

  • It is understood that the  Moshiach is not necessarily a king but the anointed of G-d, his servant. Most often this applied to kings, but also high priests were anointed.

Text 11-1: Sanhedrin 98b on the Names of Moshiach
The school of R. Shila said: The messiah's name is ‘Shiloh’, as it is stated, Until Shiloh come (Gen. XLIX, 10), where the word is spelt Shlh. The School of R. Hanina said: His name is 'Haninah’, as it is stated, I will not give you Haninah (Jer. XVI, 13). The School of R. Jannai said: His name is 'Yinnon’; for it is written, E'er the sun was, his name is Yinnon (Ps. LXXII, 17). R. Biba of Sergunieh said: His name is 'Nehirah’, as it is stated, And the light (nehorah) dwelleth with Him (Dan. II, 22), where the word is spelt as nehirah.

  • The Vilna Gaon says that these four opinions are one since the initials of Menachem, Shilo, Yinnon, and Haninah make up the word Moshiach.
  • The Gemara tells us that Moshe Rabenu and King Solomon had many names. Similarly the messiah has many names.

  • Maimonides teaches that we are commanded to believe in the coming of messiah, and though he might tarry, we wait and are prepared to follow. What is certain is that the prophets did not believe in one and only one messiah. In fact, Isaiah calls Cyrus the messiah when he beseeches him to let the Jews return to Israel.[1327]

In addition, the prophets teach that only G-d is our redeemer and savior. In other places, the prophets discuss leaders acting as agents to save the people. The leaders at best are servants of G-d bringing the children of Israel back to God. After the people betrayed G-d as their King in asking Samuel for a ‘king like the other nations’, G-d said listen to the people. Why the sudden acquiescence? We are permitted righteous leaders who will turn us back to our True and only King.source

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