Just a few musings and a video for you today:
All one in the Divine
Shalom Shalom,... We are all one in the Divine.
Sometimes I would cry out of my heart that the Children who profess to follow a certain famous Sage, a Tzaddik who was noted for great and notable deeds as we all should be about our fathers business would get the message.
No body got it very well those who were closest did not get it was the time for the King to come for his Bride Yochannons disciples asked 'shall we look for another messenger a different type of Moshiach, perhaps one with a sword to separate us from the oppressors of Yisrael, something they could relate too, something they desired for the people more than the Temple more than Yerushalayim it was for the providence of the people that the race would endure to see the Moshiach arrive.
More so this famous sage from Bet Hillel taught his talmidim [ disciples] that the children of the bridechamber have made ready.
The Prophets =[ Bride chamber children] have spoken, the Chupa is set in place, the decorations are in place, the fine wine has been selected, yes all is ready for YHVH to place the veil over his bride
Yeshua noted it was time to become one with the Divine,... Ha'shem wants to consummate his marriage, but the bridesmaids are stalling
It may be an oil problem then again, it may be a kodosh / holiness issue, none the less the megillah [scroll] shows us historically the way was opened long ago.
We were to wash and be made ready then
However, We have been afraid to go up since Sinai [Deut/Deverim 5:v5]
and we are still afraid to wash ourselves and become one flesh.
"I pray that you become one as I and my Father /Abba are one" What does that prayer, that Heart cry really mean?
Foolishness or absolute reverence to HaShem I think the latter.
IMHO each day we should fill it to overflowing with the Shekinah of G-d manifesting through us to this sick and dying humanity
Until we grasp the deeper mystic values and under footing of the faith that we follow and within that learn reverential piety along the journey I am afraid we will never see Moshiach come.
we are in the way our humanity is standing defiant in the face of YHVH and it will not succeed
So what is the answer to a great piety to overcoming the yetzer hara the evil inclination within and replace the stony heart [ Ezekiel 36:v9,22ff]with Yetzer Tov? [with a good inclination] with a heart of love.
I find that is learned by deep study, prayer, meditation, crying out a heart cry, and finally coming to our own end at which time Hashem's increase within us takes precedence that is a true meshing with the Divine that is when we become one with the Master.
Simply go past the surface, dig down and discover the rich heritage of Judaism the root of all world religion.
We will never be the community we are intended to be unless we learn to become the 'one we are'.
Mostly through Tzedakah [random acts of charitable benevolence]
Just once I would like to see' Unity of the Echud'...A devekut of the Divine
This video may help someone on their journey After a few minutes I can only hope your perception changes, If so you will enter into the veil of the Shekinah
Remember it is all about the marital Mitzvot back at Sinai desert the bride needs to make herself ready YHVH is seeking his bride soon...only our free will, ego /pride stands in the way.
When will Shalom come ?... When will Moshiach come?... When all your wellsprings overflow.
"When your wellsprings spread to the outside" Spoken to the Baal Shem Tov on Rosh Hashana in the year 5507(1746)
May Ha'Shem be blessed beyond measure,...Above all enjoy your journey.I hoe you enjoy what Ronennachman has to say here
May Ha'Shem bring you Health and Healing through your obedience
All one in the Divine
by James and Terry Hamilton
Mar 30, 2009
I hoe you enjoy what Ronennachman has to say here
May Ha'Shem bring you Health and Healing through your obedience