Politico has done us all a favor and provided a review of the new White House Press Corps, those same chaps who provided such a stunning performance over the last eight years. You recall those sharp questions by stars like David Gregory over the two terms of the greatest president since Millard Fillmore:
And Mr. President where will you be dining with Mr. Abramoff this afternoon?
Mr. President, is it true that you have the power to shut down Congress, or at least ignore any legislation they send to your office, if, in your opinion, its attempt to enact laws threatens the safety of our citizens? And is it true, as that great American Bill Kristol has advised that we really do not need a Congress anyway when someone as bright and talented as you sits in the Oval Office protecting us from enemies that wish to do us harm?
Mr. President, will those no bid contracts your office awarded Haliburton provide the new vision of Democracy in the Middle East that you have promised the American People?
Mr. President, thank you by the way for the new padded press chair, how do you keep up the energy needed to fight our enemies and provide the deregulation necessary to free business from the strangulation that government has been responsible for during the last six decades?
Mr. President, is it true that you never actually spoke to Mr. Abramoff during the party you threw for him in 2003 and that in fact he had actually snuck in unannounced?
Mr. President, even though the Democrats have been a minority in both houses during your first term, is it true that they have been an impediment to spreading Democracy across the world and providing jobs to our workers?
Mr. President, is it true that the new minimum wage legislation promulgated by the Democrats will in fact cost millions of jobs and, at the same time, give the lower class less able workers the wrong idea that they are worthwhile and productive and a real part of our economy?
Mr. President, is it true that Congress has no right to hinder the tremendous job you have done for the American People by issuing illegal subpoenas to the best and the brightest people who have ever worked in the White House?
These were the types of questions, sharp, dynamic that underlined exactly why the fourth estate is and has been so necessary to make Democracy work. But who will pick up the mantle and protect the American People from a Muslim who was not even born in this country, someone who might provide three million jobs in the next couple of years, but jobs that will only go to Black people and some illegal Hispanics? Well, according to Politico a man by the name of Jake Tapper of ABC NEWS, that bastion of fair yet hard hitting news typified by Charley Gibson. But is Jake up to the job? Politico thinks he is:
"I think [Tapper has] got the potential to be the best network White House correspondent since Brit Hume," Tyndall said, adding that the two reporters share an ability to deftly break through the White House talking points with a quick turn of phrase before sending it back to New York."
The best White House correspondent since Britt Hume. Media Matters gives this appraisal of Mr. Hume's latest opinion:
On Fox News, for example, Brit Hume insisted this week that "everybody agrees, I think, on both sides of the spectrum now, that the New Deal failed."
Unless by "both sides of the spectrum," Hume means "far-right ideologues who have shows on Fox News and far-right ideologues who do not yet have shows on Fox News," he's overstating the consensus by a fair amount.
What Brute was demonstrating was that most of our problems, the problems that America faces today can be traced back to FDR.
If the socialist program known as Social Security has never been instituted we would not have to face the fact that Social Security will run out of funds in 2073. And seventy five year olds would have had to get off their asses and produce.
If FDR had not instituted the programs necessary to get Churchill the ships and tanks and planes and weapons when he did, we could have finally seen the end of the British Empire that enchained our country 220 years ago.
Without make shift work programs and poverty programs instituted by FDR, we would have found ourselves out the Great Depression by 1934 by thinning out our population, letting the unfit pass away--so to speak--thereby enriching the gene pool.
Now this is an opinion of Brut by a communist organization.
Nobody has attempted to be more fair and balanced over the last decade that Brite Hume. Here for instance is an example of Butt Hume's attempt to help a charity :
Many right-leaning media commentators, including Fox News' Brit Hume and Tony Snow hosted a fundraising event for the charity in March 2003. Also in attendance were three members of Congress -- Rep. Tom DeLay, Sen. Rick Santorum and Dana Rohrabacher -- all Republicans.[6](Wikipedia)
But Brat Hume has demonstrated that kind of determination that the Fourth Estate has been known for over the last two hundred years and more. Who else in 2003 saw that things were not really going that bad in Iraq and that the liberal media was concentrating too much on perceived failures rather than successes. And who, as early as 2004 noted that it had already been established that Iraq had a whole slew of WMDs?
And who else understood that Kerry had indeed fought on the side of the North Vietnamese Communists during the Veit Nam War
Hume and Fox News were among the first to jump on the charges by the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth about Sen. John Kerry's Vietnam record, with Hume pushing the controversy day after day.
As the lead panelist on "Fox News Sunday," Hume said in August 2004 that the book by the Swift Boat Veterans "is a remarkably well-done document. It is full of detail. It is full of specifics. The charges that are being made of Kerry, of irresponsible and indeed in some cases mendacious conduct in his service in Vietnam, are made by people who were there."
Moving to the Right, By Howard KurtzWashington Post Staff Writer Wednesday, April 19, 2006.
We desperately need men with the vision, experience and prescience like Butthead Hume to confront a new President like the Muslin Obama who will enter the Oval Office will the single aim of aiding the terrorists and turning America into a Socialist Nation.
Thank you Politico for taking a fair and balanced view of this new White House Team.